I have an egg

Great. I got a tapeworm. Lucky me!

Angie, Mike, Nixon and the rest of you, please, whatever you do, do NOT feed your hatchlings after midnight.

So what does one do with this… neopet?

With the one you just hatched? Nothing, I think.

But if you want to see what neopets in general are all about, check out www.neopets.com. (I had an officemate who used to play on neopets when he should have been doing research.)

Silly, silly, silly. That’s clearly an earthworm…ummm…an albino earthworm, apparently.

Are they hatching? Because I don’t see any goddamned hatching going on.

Refresh your browser cache.

  • Alan

Thanks, Alan!

It’s funny that Angie ended up with what appears to be a Hello Kitty Borg ship.

I got a green dino-skunk, and I feel good about it because at least I didn’t get a tapeworm.

Just FYI, Neopets has strong Scientology connections. In case anyone cares.

This was stunningly pointless.

I don’t know about that, look at Dean, he’s happy. Don’t you think that’s a good thing?

He doesn’t realise he already has the tapeworm.


It was just an image link, right? And then they changed the image one day. I guess that’s hatching, but anyone on this site could do it. I think we should have Whitta eggs. I’ll whip up a batch and…oops, my wife is coming…gotta go.

I am fascinated by this assertion and wish to know more.


I was surprised that Neopets is so big. It always seemed like a three-guys-in-a-basement type of operation…