I have finally experienced proper couch gaming

I’ve been a PC player all my life, and still am. Up until now my gaming was done strictly from a _very_comfortable office chair facing a monitor but I’ve recently moved for work and ended up in an apartment that has a 40 inch full HD TV already in and an office desk about 2m from the TV and 2m from the couch. So I figured wth, why not buy an HDMI cable and so I did. After some fiddling with various settings I finally managed to experience Fallout 4 on TV last night and I can honestly say it was an eye opening experience. I’m looking forward to replay more pad based games in the future.


Yeah. I first experienced PC TV gaming at a friend on his 47" LCD some 6 years ago and decided to do the switch as well. 5 years ago I got 55" plasma and since then, around 95% of games I played have been played on it. It just simply significantly more immersive experience. Although for some mouse driven games I switch to monitor still.


Exactly! I couldn’t believe how immersed I was, I always thought a monitor would be better in that regard.

52 inch plasma + california queen + xbox = win. I’ve had a gaming PC since 1985, and have had some amazing times. None of them are as good as lying in bed with a controller. GOOD DAY SIR!

Just kidding about the heretic stuff @Bateau we won’t burn you, maybe just hit the soles of your feet with bamboo sticks :)

In all seriousness I too have felt the allure of the big screen, I have an 80 inch 4K TV down in the basement. Makes games like The Witcher 3 look absolutely amazing-er. Or 'murican football

I combined my console and PC set up with a surround system back when I got a PS3, around the time Dead Space was released, so I’ve been ‘couch gaming’ on PC for a good decade now. I still use mouse and keyboard thanks to a bit of reinforced hardboard with a dark wood veneer I picked up from IKEA. Some foam underneath means I can comfortably rest it across my Poang arms. I sit close enough that the cables can reach too. I can’t imagine going back to a smaller monitor now although I wouldn’t mind some 120Hz action at some point. Welcome @Bateau!

Super Bowl 52 must have looked amazing on that 80inch TV.

You Wound Me, Sir!

I’m actually a filthy immigrant, so I don’t take it all that seriously. I follow along mostly just to wind up friends of mine who do

That…is a very good idea. Thanks for the inspiration!

I’ve been a PC-only guy since I could afford my own desktop in '97… tried buying a used 360 back in '07 after all the hype but I found being sat 5-6 feet away from a 40" was not immersive for the 3D games that were done better on my more powerful PC anyway.

But funny you mention this because just last week I bought a little Retropie and have been happily platforming my way through my old pre-PC favorites from the couch, and it’s great! My wife likes to have me next to her too, so we’re both enjoying it. 2D games were made for couchin’. Still not convinced I’d want to do a modern 3D or non-platformer from there though (since moving to the UK we’ve only a 21" TV about 5 feet from my couch… I think I’d get a migraine from squinting.)

I must be doing it wrong. I never noticed much of a difference playing console games on the couch. In fact, I’m really enjoying my time playing emulated versions of those games at my desk. Some reasons it may not be effective:

  • I’m using crappy consoles instead of a high-powered PC
  • I only play hardcore action games on those consoles, which isn’t very relaxing
  • My TV is too small (60") or too far away (10-12 feet)

I have used Steam link a few times on the couch, notably to play Inside with the family watching. They loved it, but other than that I would rather just sit in my comfy office chair and use a M&K.

Wondering what other games would be good to play with them like that. Inside worked because the puzzles could be collaborated on and the pace kept moving.

I too didn’t experience proper couch gaming until recently. Maybe 4-5 years ago, I bought a PS2 specifically for couch gaming. Since then I’ve gotten a Steam Link and a Wii, and plan to get a 360 SPECIFICALLY for couch gaming. So fun.

One of us!

Now we’re sharing the same dream!

I’m more of a Mississippi Queen guy myself. You know what I mean.

Greetings time traveler, you picked the wrong year to visit. Come back in a decade, we will have either figured everything out or you can rob our bodies and go back to 2004, the time before the selfie.

Har Dee har.