I need to live another 399 years to play through all the games I want to

Iā€™ve probably finished less than 10 games in the last 10 years:

  • Outer Worlds
  • Diablo 3
  • Diablo 4
  • Van Helsing
  • Van Helsing 2
  • The Walking Dead
  • Grim Dawn

Iā€™m sure Iā€™m forgetting another one or two.

Iā€™m a bigger fan of RPGs, JRPGs, and Action/Adventure games and yet it looks like Iā€™m mostly just finishing up Diablo-likes (what are we calling them these days? Action RPGs? Looter RPGs? Hack & Slash?).

My experience is a little different than most.

I am good about playing games I have bought, at least within 15-30d of purchase. Movies and booksā€¦yeah I have a much bigger problem thereā€¦but not games.

But if Iā€™ve played a game, and then put it down for a extended time, I feel no regrets. If I havenā€™t touched a game in say 24mo, its dead to me. Iā€™ll never pick it back up. But movies and books, Iā€™ll re-find something from 20+ years ago and be excited I re-found it.

Iā€™ve found that I really donā€™t want to play games mouse and keyboard anymore. That has taken a huge amount of games off my ā€œpurchased on steam because they were a great deal and I might play them againā€ list. So that helps.
Also, every once in a while I will download some of the free games Iā€™ve gotten on Epic - often its less that half an hour before Iā€™m quite sure I dislike it and can scratch it off my list. But yeah, its a struggle. My want to read list is well over 200 now and growing. If I donā€™t finally grow out of gaming, Ill never get that done either. I thought retirement would help but somehow I still donā€™t have time for anything.

I love this thread.

It is interesting that with the backlog getting so overwhelming at times, how you get swayed by someoneā€™s passionate posts on Qt3 about a particular game or genre, and you get excited and install it, but then never get around to playing it.

Lately, over the past few months thatā€™s been, for example:

Immersive Sims

Oh yeah, System Shock 2 is one of my favorite games of all time, I should totally install and play Prey!
I should totally install and play the System Shock Remake!


Titanfall 2 is sitting right there, I should re-install it and play it!
Jedi: Survivor is right there, Iā€™ve owned it since launch. Remember how much I loved the first one?

Something different

Dragonā€™s Dogma - the sequel is about to come out, I should install the original and play it!
Returnal - So far this has been miserable, but I should play it more, Iā€™m sure it will get better!
Against the Storm - How can you have a city builder roguelike? I should try it and find out!

Science Fiction Narratives

Mass Effect Trilogy - Hey remember how good this story was? I should replay it as a renegade!
Guardians of the Galaxy - Iā€™ve heard so many good things, this looks right up my alley!

And on and on.

What do I actually end up playing? WRC and Forza. On the weekends, whatever my 6 year old is playing at the moment, he loves it when I play Coop with him. And truthfully, I love it too. Mario is king. And I guess I do love racing games so much. I wish I had time for more than that, but for now, Mario and racing games are enough.

Kind of true for me too, though sometimes Iā€™ll try a backlog game and just have an amazing time playing it. This month that happened with Horizon: Zero Dawn - with the sequel coming out for PC next week, I decided to get back to it and Iā€™m having a great time (now that the current, patched version of it runs way better on my current PC than the release version ran on my old one). I also reinstalled Dragonā€™s Dogma 1, but at this point (and because of H:ZD) I guess Iā€™ll just uninstall and wait fro Dragonā€™s Dogma 2. :D

Now that sounds like an excellent retirement plan all around!

Someone really needs to figure out how Jellyfish live so long and transfer that shiz to people because this thread is right on the money. This week alone there are too many games to play, and probably people put more crap in their backlogs with all the sales on various PC online stores last week.

Itā€™s ridiculous.

I might not even have time to get through all the books I want to read!