I thought we had a Baby Driver thread.

I though Drive was a great movie, I didn’t even know it was a fad amongst certain people to like it.

This movie tho, was terrible.

It had no content, and tried to make up for it with snappy cuts in between scenes.

The movie needed to end earlier, because it had run out of story.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Your 2018 Golden Globes nominee for best actor, Inge Applebort!

Suck it, @tomchick !

Do you mean Ansel Elgort, who played Baby? Or someone else in the movie got nominated?

That’s what he said, Aston Eagleshort.

And that’s how I knew Anselm Eaglemoss had been nominated – an article today along the lines of “11 Golden Globe Nominations that Shouldn’t Have Happened.”

C’mon guys, is it really that hard to spell Anal Elbow?


Mikey Neumann’s take.