iDracula: Crimsonland for the iPhone

Just a heads-up: though I wouldn’t say it’s nearly as flawless an arcade experience, mostly due to the iPhone’s innate touchscreen terribleness as an action gaming platform, iDracula is a fantastic clone of Crimsonland and SmashTV. It’s less than a buck, with some fantastic Diablo-esque art, and I’ve spent more time with it over the last few days than any other iPhone game. Highly recommended.

(Tip: Unlike Crimsonland, where it is a worthless perk, take Telekinesis as soon as you possibly can)

Telekinesis is totally not a worthless perk.


(I don’t have an iPhone, but that looks pretty cool.)

Less than a dollar for a new iPhone game, and the 5- or 6-year-old Crimsonland stands defiant at $20.

Been talked about in the iPhone games thread a lot. Check that out.

It totally was, unless you were bad enough at Crimsonland for things to never get truly hairy. Crimsonland’s survival mode was all about picking perks that would help you rack up as many points as possible in the end game… a point of the game where you literally can’t shoot monsters quick enough to keep a hundred of them from sitting on your face. At this point in the game, having Telekinesis is useless, because you simply don’t have time to hover your mouse over a power-up to pick it up: survival is basically a mixture of luck in getting nukes, slow-mos, fire bullets and freezes and smart perk choice. Telekinesis was only useful in the early game to unskilled players.

Crimsonland is still totally worth the price. And as much as I like iDracula, it’s no Crimsonland.

Oh, good. I’ve always thought discussions about individual games should be clumped in one long mega-thread. Let’s do that forum wide, actually… I’ll be in the Books and Television thread “BOOK” is you need me.

No need for snark. It’s a product of the platform. Look at this thread as an example. You’ve got three guys posting and there are probably one or two more lurking, but the ratio of iPhones to users on this forum seems pretty low.

Hence a game comes out, we talk about it a little in the other thread and everyone moves on to the next game. If a nice update hits (like this game got) then we talk again. No big.

When the iPhone has as many users as the DS or even PSP, then I guess we can start clogging up the forum with piles of threads about games that people will actually be able to try.

Also consider that by this point in that ‘megathread’ Adree has posted about roughly twelve thousand games*. The iPhone took all of a month to have more apps than Nintendo had games on its first three systems**. If each got their own thread, this place would be a mess. Especially since most of them would be ‘It’s an okay game’, pretty much like this one***.

*And with hardly any animated gifs. Tom would be proud.

**This fact is pretty much made up whole cloth, but it sounds good.

***Actually, considering most of the games on the iPhone, the posts would more likely be ‘another terrible tower defense game’.

Fixed that for you. Telekinesis is extremely useful in all the other game modes. I always found survival mode to be a monotonous chore.

And what’s the world come to when people describe something like this as a “Smash TV” clone? Hello?

By the time the game got that long, you had every single perk worth taking, plus you had pumped a large number of perk points into the “Instant Winner” perk for lack of anything else to take.

Telekinesis also meant that if you got, say, two powerups dropping in different areas due to a Static or Fire Bullets / Gauss Shotgun, you could get them both. That was useful in the endgame.