If you are a bay area anthropologist, let me buy you a coffee

Are you an anthropologist, or an anthropologist-in-training (by way of grad school)? Let me buy you a coffee* (if you’re in the San Francisco bay area) as I run some ideas by you. I want to know where in the field of anthropology to find my niche, and how to proceed in my anthropological / social science / hand-wavy area. Maybe you know people I could talk to. Whatever. In any case, it’s a free coffee, so hit me up.

  • By which I mean espresso beverage

You could be a psychopath with a fixation on anthropologists …

More seriously, good luck with your chosen field of study, if you don’t mind sharing some information would be interested in hearing about the sort of opportunities available (don’t worry, no competition from me, just intellectual curiosity)

Erm, just to be up-front, I’m a computer engineer. My work is in video games and HCI and babies. I need your collective anthropological brains* to place my games into a bucket.

  • Not to eat