If You Could Strike One Song from Existence, What Would it Be?

I amend my response to state that, while we are removing “Margaritaville” and all the people who like it from existence, we should also remove people who “hate all rap.” I suspect that these sets of people are nearly identical.

Wasting away again without Margaritaville. Searching for my… lost library of rap.

Some people claim that sinfony is to blame, but I know… it’s Meghan Bowyer’s fault.

You’re so close.

Madonna’s version of American Pie. She deserves gasoline thrown on her for that thing.

“Who Let The Dogs Out?”

But without that song, we’d never have this hilarious clip of Mitt Romney being a complete tool.

I used to think I hated all rap, but then Weird Al made me realize I just hate 95% of rap lyrics.

This one.

La Macarena

“Having My Baby”, Paul Anka

Whoever condemned Carmina Burana has absolutely no soul.

Having said that: Pachinko Dream, by the Pogues. I realize it’s not a particularly pernicious scourge, but it’s bloody embarrassing to an otherwise high-quality band. And even thinking of the title has it stuck in my head again. Aaaaaaargh.

<gunshot noise>

I love the Dolly Parton original, but yeah, Houston’s version blows.

Speaking of country music, my vote has to go to “Achy Breaky Heart”. All the negative stereotypes that people have about country music, the kind of idiots who like it and the worse kinds of idiots who make it? Billy Ray Cyrus, you just had to go and put a big tick next to them all, didn’t you?

We are the Champions. Makes my skin crawl.

Enter Sandman by Metallica. Sure, it’s the reason I discovered heavy metal, but while it helped pull me into metal, it was simultaneously pushing Metallica out of metal.

Heart of Rock & Roll by Huey Lewis & The News.

Not only is it a terrible song, but it has a very similar opening to “It’s Magic” by the Cars, which is at least listenable, and yet 9 out of 10 times it’s Heart that ends up getting played.

Clearly the only correct answer is Sweet Home Alabama. This would also have the positive side effect of killing that horrible Kid Rock abomination.

Or anything by Fleetwood Mac. Either way, really.

This song instantaneously brings back college memories for me, so no.

I think what we can realize from this thread is that, every song that someone hates has someone out there that loves it.

I’ll go with “Whatever demo got Toby Keith his record deal”.

If anyone here owns up to loving “God Bless The USA”, I will fight you now, you jingoistic probably-racist blind-patriotism bastard.

I saw this thread and thought that there really isn’t a song that bothers me too much, I mean I can usually get away from music I don’t like.

But . . . yeah, this. Hated it the first time I heard it, then hated it seven million times more in the 90s. Who the fuck were the people that made this popular?


Your fly is open.

You know, there is a lot of music that crossed my mind at first when thinking about this subject but for the most part, I can escape from music I don’t like (gangsta/tween/emo/goth/death/surf/jpop/world/whatever) and I know that whatever I would choose, I would be robbing someone of their favorite song.

I will reserve my pick for people like Bahimiron who are trapped in retail stores, over the summer or holidays, who can’t get away from songs on short rotation.