I'm only going to speak in animated gifs in this thread. ;)

The bird at the end of the mahi-mahi gif is aweome – he’s all like “HA HA”.

En garde! Balestra, reprise, lunge, touche…hey, come back you coward! It’s not my fault you brought a gaff to a sword fight!

The dismount totally makes the gif. Where is that arrest taking place? I bet it’s Russia.

Strings? This one has a whole net.

— Alan

It’s Central serous retinopathy.

Or as i call it, the volcano in my eye.


Looks just like my sister-in-law. Only a lot skinnier and much saner.

All the new models have the best stuff!

OMG, I’ve never even heard of Trunk Monkey, so I looked up the videos. HILARIOUS

That chimpanzee is working out his anger issues over being mislabeled. He’s an ape, thank you very much.

Trunk monkey: pornographic edition. Bow chicka wow wow.

I’m pretty sure this is illegal in most states.