I'm opening a gaming store!

Grand re-opening today with real superb owls went well!

Congrats! The owls look like they’re having fun. The humans only slightly less so.

Ok, the owls are bad ass with a capital B. Like Tom says, I would be drawn into the store if I walked by it. Not likely, unfortunately, as it’s a long walk to Colorado.

I don’t squeeeee. But if I was there, you would have needed earplugs. :)

If you ever need artwork, I know someone really good at drawing cute owls!

Love the live owls but @merryprankster ’s is just beyond. Please tell us you will have super bowl sales every year :)

Glad the re-opening/re-branding has gone so well! Love the owls.

I dunno, that last owl looks like he’s rolled one too many missed saving throws and is now questioning your abilities to DM this campaign properly.

Congrats on the Grand Re-Opening @Vesper ! The store, as usual, looks amazing!

I thought this was the Nigh Towel thread.


@Vesper hopefully they didn’t steal all the things. :(

Oh, man. That sucks.

That stinks. That’s been happening in my town, too. Burglaries, vandalism, arson of the Local Friendly Game and Comic Book Stores. Barbarians.

Fuck I’m sorry Vesper.

Thanks everyone. Posted about just a little bit ago here:

That’s a small silver lining!

Wow that seems so little in the grand scheme, and for so much effort. Good luck getting it all sorted.

Over here in Malaysia, all our stores have shutters which the storekeepers pulled down at the end of the day. Is this not popular States-side?

The buildings are larger and free standing in North America. Only in the higher crime filled municipalities are there bars on the windows or on smaller indoor or only on smaller street front in a complex.

There’s a board game shop here in Seattle, Blue Highway Games, that’s smack-dab in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the city (Queen Anne), that’s been broken into in the same way 3 or four times in the last few months. The smash the door, take all the Magic and Pokémon cards, and nothing else. Bummer to hear it happened to you, too.