In Which North Carolina Strives to Create an American Christian Caliphate

Campus PC Gone Amok! Cancel Culture! Woke Mind Virus!

edit haha

As opposed to the weaponization of the state and local government to go after gays, non-whites, women, the poor, immigrants, and Democrats.

The NC inquisition finally begins!

we will have a powerful Church-style committee to go after the weaponization of the federal government - the FBI

Et tu Back the Blue?

IIRC, the Church committee was the one that investigated the intelligence services and related operations back in the 1970s. It was roundly condemned by Republicans and conservatives in general. Oh, the irony.

'tis the season

I expect they’ll be patient, gerrymander the fuck of the legislature this year, but not try to piss voters off too much outside of that, then do it in 25.

I’m expecting 2025 or 2026 to be the year I might have to leave here, perhaps at great cost.

Because I have suspicions, I’ll drop this here…

We can now expect a 11-3 House delegation next year (loss of 4 seats) permanent Republican supermajorty (no Governor has no real power), and a gerrymandered state Supreme Court (they’ll make sure that end-around won’t work anymore)

I’m probably going to have to leave this state in 2 years. I need to get my business done, then get agile and be ready to sell/move. I’m just holding out hope a job opening happens in a blue state. My other option is move to Danville, VA and work in the Triad still, which would be a rough commute and I’d be in a small conservative town in a blue state.

Even though it’s small, I think Danville proper is like most other urban areas in Virginia in that the city votes Democratic but is surrounded by a red sea of rural voters. They appear to have voted for Biden in 2020 and the democratic candidate in 2022. I have no idea how feasible it is to live in the city proper though so this might not be a good solution.

You’d still have to be pretty circumspect with your political discussions of course, since a lot of those rural voters are pretty extreme (I draw my argument from discussions with my brother-in-law, who’s a Democrat living in Roanoke city in a similar oasis).

Just to be clear, Virginia is still very much a purple state, not a blue state. Republicans dominate state government since the last election. That said, we welcome more reliably non loony voters!

The odds of a Republican trifecta seem pretty low there, which is the important thing. I’m not asking for roses, just asking for the ability to live my life.

I lived in Dirtville (or Tinytown, if you will) from '67 til '96. Still go back several times a year. What do you need to know?

Basically what would life be like there if you stood out a bit? I’d be commuting to Greensboro for work if the worst happened and I couldn’t find a job elsewhere.

It’s a city of 41,000 folks that have been losing their youth for 4 decades. When I lived there the saying was, “You meet the nicest people in D’ville, but they’re all just passing through.” Could change a bit in the next couple of year because Casears is building a huge casino complex on the site of an old cotton mill. They’re also are building the biggest industrial site in VA just outside of town (thanks Governor for nixing that Ford deal.) Property values have gone stupid the last year. Super cheap cost of living otherwise. They’ve developed the downtown warehouse district into a pretty spiffy area. Pleasant folks, but it’s overall the area is politically deep red, even if the city votes blue. From the FB reports of friends still living there, the electrical grid is fragile. Commute time from the southern edge of town to G’boro is 30 minutes. As an aside, I’ve considered moving back in retirement. It’s not a terrible place, it’s getting ready to change for the better and like I said the people are cordial, you just can’t mix in politics there.

From what I heard the greensboro Beltline helps with the commute. That just finished this month. Most of my coworkers take that loop into work from Rockingham County.