Incoming! Threat level elevated!

I hope Steve Meretzky’s account was finally approved.

Okay, but how many of these were alts?

Were Belisariuses 1 through 117 taken? Really?

Maybe he is 118 years old!

Maybe just maybe my birthday is January 18th. It’s been my handle for as long as I could remember.

What would your handle be if it was your mother’s maiden name, then?

It would be a handle similar to my SS#, obviously.

Just don’t get caught. Otherwise you’ll be arrested and sent to jail.

  • Alan

1901 since the beginning of this year.

Hah, I wouldn’t have even noticed I could post if it weren’t for this thread. Love the site, looking forward to it.

So, sup thou?

It’s not Qt3 if we don’t have one major nickname confusion.

You and VegasRobb are too damned friendly and reasonable. It’s almost nefarious.




Unavoidable, though the ‘B’ names have a lot to make up for right now.

my reputation precedes you

To be fair, it is a really common name.

Well… plus me I guess.

Welcome fellow Belisarius!

Is Bellysaurus taken yet?

I never thought my appreciation of Byzantine generals would get this much attention…greetings, Belisarius(1?). Or do you prefer OG?

This can’t continue. This is worse than the Andrew M. fiasco.