Ion Maiden - 3D Realms Build Engine retro shooter

Outrage: a gay slur (?) in a video game
No outrage: children thrown into cages in the U.S.

I want to become a shut-in even more now

I get the sentiment, but I think the outrage is there for children in cages, but people don’t know how to fight the government the same way they can wage Internet war against game developers. Also, game developers listen to the criticism and make changes… the Trump Administration doubles down on horrors.

What world are you living in? There are plenty of folks upset by this.

I just picture some fuckwit going all Chris Crocker at a minor video game faux pas and I’m all like, “That’s what drives outrage these days?” Like some bourgie complaining that the gladiatorial games aren’t what they used to be, whilst Nero is up there soloing on his fiddle.

It seems weird to get upset at a hypothetical of your own making, but you do you, I guess. I assume most people upset at gender identity issues lean liberal and are also anti-kids-in-cages. Maybe there are some outlier folks that ally with trans on social media but harbor hate for immigrant children, but I wager that’s pretty rare. It’s possible for people to be active for both causes at the same time, but you seem to think it’s a zero-sum game.

The outrage seems mainly directed at the equation of transness with mental illness, which you guys are (disingenuously?) eliding, not so much at the “Ogay” thing. And I would imagine the same people getting mad at this very much so got mad at the children in cages thing, although the media cycle appears to have moved on from that (though I would guess there are still plenty of kids in cages).

Maybe I don’t know to read, but the quote I’ve read was stating the exact reverse, in poor words (those chat snaps sure weren’t litterature): that getting operated while you have depression won’t solve anything. I wonder what that say about people reading the reverse in it (yeah I can be a jerk, too!).

This reminds me of a famous quote in my country “France can’t welcome all the misery in the world”, from a socialist prime minister. The quote was cut on purpose, as he was saying “France can’t welcome all the misery in the world, but should do its best to try”.
I guess you should never put some words together, but to put intent where it isn’t is something I don’t like.

Again, this seems like disingenuous elision. It’s not just depression but also “big mental issues,” invoked, as well as saying “people just choose to be trans and there’s nothing in their heads?” re: a headline about the WHO ceasing to classify trans people as mentally ill.

Ok, you exposed me.

Well, you definitely seem inclined to be sympathetic to the developer, here. If their statements had been limited to the idea that people ready to label their 2-year old kids as trans were nuts, I would have judged any outrage to be overheated. As it is, though, the comments did not stop there and do indicate some attitudes a lot of people these days find repugnant.

Plus there’s the stuff about women from the other dev we haven’t even really touched on at all.

In addition, the “outrage” seems mostly confined to people saying, “Well, I don’t want to buy the game now,” so it’s not like it’s that overheated in the first place. People decide to buy or not buy games for lots of reasons, some of which are much dumber than this.

Again, you put in my digital mouth something that isn’t there. That I find the people who wrote that gameinformer thing incredibly dumb doesn’t mean I don’t find the dev to be dumbasses as well (wtf was that comment about the kids?). But the one-sided aspect of the reporting, that I find repugnant, to use your word.

How exactly would you have written it? And actually you claim upthread that the Ogay thing is the only in-game citation, but that’s not true either.

I thought at first I would have reported the quote and let the reader make his mind, and I would have skipped the whole twitter thing with vague wording that makes no sense to somebody not familiar with the media like me, but still felt like “boo! booo!”. I thought that maybe to the people writing it the reader was too dumb to understand that behind the wording of those chat quotes, there were real ignorance and stupidity.
But then I didn’t quite understand one of your posts either.

It’s not just depression but also “big mental issues,” invoked, as well as saying “people just choose to be trans and there’s nothing in their heads?” re: a headline about the WHO ceasing to classify trans people as mentally ill.

So it seems there is a whole agenda I don’t know about. Not that I give attention about whatever the WHO thinks (afterall, they used to classify trans as mentally ill I just learned!).
It comes out that maybe I indeed was one of the dumb readers and needed to be educated about why those comments were heinous. But that article didn’t do it, and just told me what to think. I’d thus add relevant references to the whole thing then to make sure the insinuations of the chat quotes posted aren’t missed.

The other game quote I just didn’t understand. I am not that versed into bad English.

At least we have what seems to be a straight-up apology without any weaseling. Even if it’s pure spin doctoring, it’s good spin doctoring.

This certainly seems true of “journalism” at large these days. I can’t tell you how grossed out I am by the now-ubiquitous style of headline that contains its own reaction, e.g. “X Happened, and It Was Amazing”. Ugh.

Although, I would also hasten to add that journalism has never, ever been anywhere close to objective as it has always liked to present itself. There is always an agenda and no such thing as a total lack of bias. Even when “just presenting facts,” certainly due to limited space not literally every fact can be presented, and the choice of which facts to present is itself a matter of agenda…

Now the gamer gaters are after 3D Realms in full force crying betrayal.

The game’s gone from having a 97% positive rating to 87% in just a day. Such a massive drop!

Ian Miles Cheong is one of the biggest morons on Twitter, a true feat. Pedophile outrage brigade? What in the fuck.

Yeah, he’s both a terrible person and a dumbass.

I wish I didn’t know who any of these people were. More and more I am coming around to the belief that the internet has actually been a net loss for mankind, and Twitter is top of the list for why.

And I thought the publisher was avoiding Twitter insanity; reading this shows how little I know of the social media and makes me want to delete all my post in this thread, as there seems to have been even more insinuation in that chat log that I would ever want to be aware of.