iPhone can connect to library wifi but laptop can't. WTF is this crap?

More specifically both my laptop and iPhone can connect to the wifi at my local library but only my iPhone can access the Internet. My laptop shows an exclamation point overture wifi stratus indicator with no Internet access. I asked the staff if I needed a library card to connect buy they said its open for everyone. Could it be a network card setting on my laptop? I ran the Windows network auto repair thingy but that didn’t do crap.

this happens to me occasionally as well. You will need to change the security settings of the wifi connection:
open network & sharing center
manage wireless networks
open the properties of the library’s wifi
in the security tab, go through and change each security type and encryption type. check internet status, if you aren’t getting internet or you have a red x on your connection choose another set of security settings.

most wifi networks use either WPA2-Personal + TKIP or WPA2-Personal + AES. Try those first, then try no authentication.

Try a restart?

That is poetry, man.

Isn’t there a setting in Windows 7 (and/or XP?) with respect to allowing connection to unsecured networks? If it’s library wifi, chances are good it’s unsecured, and you may have your wifi set up to not allow you to connect to unsecured networks. I don’t have my laptop handy, so I can’t check the settings, but try looking around.

Thanks for the replies guys. Next time I’ll head back I’ll troubleshoot the connection with your suggestions.

PS. Restarting was the first thing I tried and that didn’t fix it.

At my library, even though the wi-fi was free, they still required you to accept their TOS before using the internet on an outside device. Have you tried opening up a browser to see if that pulls up the library’s TOS page?

we have a congested/crowded 2.4 ghz bunch of networks here. both android devices, laptops and iphones sometimes lose connection intermittently and can’t rejoin even if you type in the correct wireless ap password. some it takes toggling airplane mode, some rebooting the device resolves, some of them get network settings rebooted. some, work again later on.

it happens. it seems.

we’re using meru networks equipment.