iPhone Contacts App?

I seem to have a problem with every contact manager I have ever used on my iPhone. Eventually an iOS update comes out and wipes out my data.

I have been using Connect a very simple interface but in the last iOS update it kept all my names but every phone number has been lost and there does not seem to be a way for me to simply import it into the app from the built in Contact manager in iOS.

Does anyone have any recommendations? I would really like to have something where my phone numbers can be saved on the web that is secure and if anything happens I can simply update my app after something goes kablooey. My main want is a simple to use Grouping solution. I do not have to store a lot of contacts for business just some fellow workers, family, and friends.

I sync my contacts with Gmail… and you also have the option to sync with iCloud. That way, the contacts do not go missing. Any other app to manage contact is then just an interface to edit and read data. Does that meet your requirement?

If you do own a Mac, I’d recommend Cardhop. Great contact app by the guys who did Fantastical.

I suppose I need an App that will allow me to select the contact from the built in contact manager? That is what syncs with iCloud in the background? Most of the apps seem to be a bit clunky in the manner they ingrate with the iOS Contact manager. I to longer use a Mac so that is not an option.

I used to use Awesome Contacts and Dialvetica Contacts, both of which are pretty good contact managers. But I can’t seem to find them in App Store, maybe because they are 32-bit app and I am on iOS 12 public beta… I don’t think I was of any good help.

Hey, at the very least you took the time to answer my query. I am very grateful!

Phone contact managers seem to be a problem not getting updated enough and they tend to be too complicated for my needs. Just want Groups that are easy see for my older eyes and that would allow me to pick numbers from the phone data in the built in phone data and easy backup.