Is this what the hipster version of Red Dead Redemption 2 looks like?

Title Is this what the hipster version of Red Dead Redemption 2 looks like?
Author Nick Diamon
Posted in News
When November 30, 2018

Clothing makes the man, as they say. You want to feel like a cowpoke? You had better dress for the part..

Read the full article

Or just dress that way by getting stuff cheap at Cabela’s.

I really like the name “Barking Irons” with that logo.

Wow, $92 for a shirt that looks like something from the rack at Target. Fuckin’ New York, man.

Cue “Thrift Shop”

Better a New Yorker than some kid in a Bangladesh sweat shop I guess.

Actually, I don’t see “Made in America” anywhere on their website.

If you click the individual items of clothing they say “Made in California, USA”.