It's 2016 and here's your 20:20 movie game name thread!

I thought that too, but no. Not Ran.


Red Cliff

Yes indeed!

My wife fell deeply in love with Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, so she picked up anything she could find that looked remotely like it. Hero was one of the better ones with a pretty good performance by Jet Li and supported by the cream of the Kung-Fu crop.

40:40; the Emperor reluctantly admits doubt

60:60; no one in this move has proper names, they’re all either “Nameless” or named after physical objects, like “Sky”, “Moon”, or “Broken Sword”. I think this guy is “Hardwood Flooring” or something.

80:80; will the Emperor mention his terrible haircut?.

This made me laugh.


Yay/Oh crap. You guys are up to a 1600 movie history with this thing?

Yeah. But I’m sure no one has done Star Wars yet. So there’s that!


Can’t find my Star Wars DVDs, perhaps they don’t exist?

You’ll have to settle for this:

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

Sleepy Hollow?

You are correct, @sinnick. Which is good because my computer decided to have a conniption. I’ll edit in the remaining frames after I put in a new video card.

Hmm, it’s behaving now, hope it lasts.



100:100 is in the end credits.

I’m starting to get sinnick-al about the future of this thread.

I suspect I am being too much of a @sinnick also, but still hold out some hope

Sorry guys, here we go:



Ha! The van kind of gives it away 😛

Fine! I was trying to avoid the tremendous responsibility of posting the next movie but no one is helping me out here.

Is it Money Master?

Close enough … it is Money Monster, Jodie Foster’s latest film. Can’t believe you got it from that, and amazingly none of the frames had any of the main stars.




Yeah I had it all literally spelled out for me and I still got it wrong. SAD!

I’ll have the new 20:20 out anon
