Jordan Peterson's in a coma in Russia

While you’re clutching your pearls worrying about whether I’m saying mean things about a literal piece of human garbage who has made the world a shittier, scarier place for millions of people while lining his pockets, I’ll be doing literally anything else.

No. Fuck him.

Certainly not too much to ask, and those of a better nature might actually heed your request. For me, though, he crossed the Rubicon long ago and I will be OK with his death.

Not at all. Ask away.

Also, were you satisfied with my examples of punching down?

Ah, this hoary, old debate.

Will it happen when Trump falls ill or dies? Can I put in an early request against?

Lots of Taco Bell followed by a graveyard visit.

Gotta love the reactions to this.

Shows pretty well who the stink really comes from. Hint: It’s from the ones preaching acceptance, tolerance, etc. - when it concerns someone they agree with or want to whiteknight.

Something terrible happens to someone they don’t like? Let the dogpiling begin!
A glorious display of why nobody sane wants to be associated with that group of people.

That’s pure nonsense.
The no-wrongthink-allowed part of the media and the hatemob on Twitter, etc. certainly tried to cancel the guy. It was very much targeted and with a very clear agenda in mind - not a conspiracy, mind you, just a common goal.
And it failed - one of the rarer cases where they actually couldn’t achieve their goals.
In the end, personal tragedy and health issues did the job.

Oh, I totally disagree with his “theories” - they are like some weird incel fetish study. Gotta lova the women = chaos, men = order part xD
Still, no reason to go after a guy that’s already pretty damn down.

There we go, there’s the ol’ “So much for the tolerant Left amirite guys?! Woo!” You forgot to bring up “virtue signaling” though. 7/10.

Mean old liberals, always cracking down on evil assholes. Won’t someone think of the evil assholes?

How do you ‘cancel’ someone? Especially if you’re just a twitter mob?

I admit that if enough people effectively criticize your views, it is possible that some for-profit media outlets might not want to fund your speech; or that some not-for-profit media outlets might decide you don’t actually have anything interesting to say. But I don’t really grasp how we ought to expect it to work any other way.

Ever since I heard this little nugget of wisdom from Marc Maron on his WTF podcast, I’ve been a big fan of “Hide the hate.”

If I had the power to cancel Jordan Peterson I would have punched that button years ago.


I mean the guy published another book in 2018, got multiple columns and articles published in 2019, made lots of public appearances and was the subject of articles in The NY Times, the Atlantic, the Post, etc. He didn’t seem very cancelled to me.

Sending stuff like “‘I’m going to find out where you live and execute you”, I assume.

I don’t think death threats is what “cancel” means in this context. Admittedly, I’m no expert.

Block party at my place. I’ll send you the deets.

Also, the only person who cancelled Peterson was himself.

Yeah, that is not what they mean.

If you disagree with a concept vehemently, a person who supports the opposite side eloquently and charismatically, and who develops a following, is likely to cause great angst. I think of how many have viewed Noam Chomsky.

Lacking the same sort of voice as a high-status individual, it’s certainly frustrating to not be able to really “attack the source.”

I’m not certain that “grave shitting,” rage, and condescension are very persuasive to anyone, but they’re certainly cathartic.

I found Peterson very helpful and wish him the best, but it was really his discussion on mastering chaos that helped me, and my best friend, too. If I were on the fence about this, my natural inclination would be to weight how I’ve been helped by someone’s writing with very angry wishes that he’d kick off.

Which would persuade me more?

That said, some Canadians dug up my flower garden once, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

jeez you guys it was a solid burn, let him have it

From the posts above, guy sounds like a misogynist and weirdo, but not evil. Disappointed to hear joy at him being in pain and almost dying, I don’t think that’s very compassionate or mature.

But that’s just my two cents. Sometimes this place can be disappointing, but I guess that’s life.

He’s not evil he just believes evil things …

So in the last month:

Rush Limbaugh gets cancer
Jordan Peterson in a coma
Alex Jones arrested for drunk driving

It’s all coming up Milhouse.