Jumpman, a Jumpman AAR

Same here, pretty much - though harrier attack was in there too. Great theme music on that one.

Thansk for the nostalgia! I’m sure I’d find it brutally difficult these days.

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There are a number of cretins who will attack you for this.

Their leader is a guy named Bill, who likes to dress his Jeff Dahmer action figure in a pink sailor suit while doing “things” with his free right hand.

Robots 2! I could run that level on the next-to-highest speed available.

Such a great game. People get nostalgic about Donkey Kong, but Jumpman is much better. Always thought the controls were fiddly on Donkey Kong – why can’t I jump onto a ladder?

The thing about Jumpman (at least the Atari 800 version) was that if you touched a ladder, a rope, or the edge of a platform in a certain hard-to-define way you’d suddenly be tumbling to your death. It took a while to get the feel for that.