Justified on FX: Modern day Deadwood [fingers crossed]

Usually I would expect the top of a crime family to have a layer of people between them and the hardcore illegal stuff like drugs for plausible deniability.

Loved this season but it seemed like the real climax was the episode where the good guys were holed up in the old high school. The two episodes after that were tying up loose ends.

I also would not want to be the funeral director who kicked Boyd while he was down. Not sure why he thinks he’s immune now but I’m guessing next season Boyd will take take care of some business there.

I don’t think I need anymore Nobles Holler either. It seems a bit out of place.

Anyway, great season! Better than 3 or 1 but a bit behind season 2. Wishing for a long Justified run here. Not Gunsmoke long but 8-10 seasons would be nice.

I think the clock is really ticking on Boyd as a character. Boyd is Raylan’s final boss, so I have a hard time seeing the show continuing past the season devoted to their showdown. I also have a hard time seeing the writers avoiding it for more than another season. My guess is that season 6 is the zenith of Boyd Crowder, crime lord, and season 7 is his destruction.

Will update with link later, but right now creators are treating this as a six season show. So next season will likely set up The End. Unless they think of a good way to last until season seven while planning season five, they’re almost done.

EDIT: From a TV Guide interview:

I think Boyd deserves better than to be a villain taken down at the end of a season. I hope he has a different arc.

Personally, I’d like to see the series end as a real-time episode chronicling the last 42 minutes of Raylan’s “Boyd, you have 24 hours to get out of Harlan” ultimatum.

Could someone explain to me how…

improbable event follows

the last dude holding Winona hostage gets the first gunshot wound to his thigh? And how does Winona end up with a gun in her hand herself?

scene explanation

Thug #1 punches Raylan in the gut, Raylan grabs his gun from his belt and shoots him through the chest. Thug #2 steps behind Winona and holds a gun to her head. Raylan shoots Thug #2 in the head and Thug #2 drops his gun on the floor. Winona grabs the gun from the floor while Beard Man grabs her to hold her hostage. At this point her arm (holding the gun) is behind her back. She fires the gun, wounding Beard Man in the thigh, then drops to the floor next to Raylan where they both proceed to be badass.

Yeah, that scene went fast. Almost too fast to register what was going on.


All the likes.

Watched season four again over the weekend and there’s no doubt it was my favorite TV of 2013. Now I’ve got a bottle of bourbon and a carton of ice cream. I’m ready for a new season.

Yeah but is it Pappy van Winkle??

— Alan

Ha, I’m not sure I’m enough of a whiskey connoisseur to make a bottle worth the price so I picked up Four Roses single barrel. I saw it on a list of recommendations for people who can’t get or can’t afford Pappy.

The ice cream I made myself :)

Bourbon ice cream? I bet that would taste like angels dancing on your tongue.

I’m gonna watch the premiere from a trailer park brothel as a way of honoring the show…

Say hi to Ella Mae for me.

It is interesting how Justified keeps folding comedians into their show. Last year we had Patton Oswald, now we have David Koechner, Will Sasso, and David Foley.

I was sure that was David Foley, but my brain was like “no freaking way” so I had a hard time knowing for certain. Thanks for confirming, I kept meaning to look that up.

I enjoyed the episode (and unlike Sons of Anarchy was delighted for the extra time) and can’t wait for the next episode!

Boyd’s whole arc last night was great, though I am puzzled by the end. About the only off part to his section was the guy trying and failing miserably to be Saul Goodman. The b-side of Raylan’s arc with the Crowe’s was also excellent though his part was kind of flat.