Kickstarting and Screaming

After reading through her pitch, I think I’ve decided to back Glitch instead of Unsettled. I have to go in for the Material Fulfillment tier, and that means no money for the boardgame. I’m sure I’ll be able to buy the latter later, anyway.

As much as I’ve been trying to downsize my physical RPG collection (mostly by digial-izing it), I want a physical copy of this, and I doubt I’d be able to get one after. Also wrapped up in that, while she’s passed her goal already, backing this really feels like helping someone actually get their dreams made, and that every dollar counts- this is obviously a labor of love for her.

Gotta love the nod to Matt Barton.


I love the look, and wanted to back it. Well, after the kickstarter, the dev is now running ANOTHER campaign, on Indigogo? Isn¨t that slightly…excessive?

But is it the hot mess that is Unknown Realm?

New game by the designer and publishers of *Root just hit kickstarter. Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile sounds pretty cool. It’s not a Legacy game, per se. Rather, each game informs each following game, chronicling the trials and tribulations of a kingdom across generations, but in a way that you can reset at any time to its original position. Sounds swell.

This looks like fun, I haven’t played the original and looks like it’s gone out of print. Anyone familiar with Lift Off!?

That does look fun.

Just to be clear - this “liftoff” has no relation to the original Lifoff, which was the basis for Buzz Aldrins Race Into Space.

It also has no relation to the other Lift Off board game that came out recently.

Well, that’s confusing. I assumed it was the Deluxe edition of that game.

I’m also puzzled by the stretch goals. This paragraph is quite confusing:

Ok, here’s the deal. The original Lift Off! had amazing stretch goals. We unlocked them and for all this to work, I had to maintain / include all those original goals. Now, in addition, we have all the Expanded Deluxe components for THE SAME KICKSTARTER price as the original edition ($10 less than the original sold at retail!). You can see them all below, but we won’t have extra Stretch Goals this round.

If the deluxe components aren’t stretch goals, don’t talk about them in the section on stretch goals, just say there aren’t any. And those aren’t all the new components, which makes it that much more confusing.

I guess the actual name of the game is “Lift Off! Get Me Off This Planet!” though my initial post didn’t reflect that.

Oh and hey, anybody remember Dark Tower?

I do, but they made it coop.

Which is much preferable, IMO. (But they’re working on a competitive mode too.)

I feel like $155 for all the gameplay-relevant content is a bit of an ask for a revamped 80s nostalgia piece, though.

I want an ad with Zombie Orson Welles.

Another entry in the boomlet of 8-bit-style-CRPGs that can possibly be played on an actual 8 bit machine:


I think Apple ][ graphics are yucky (C64 forever yo) but I’m still intrigued.

For me, these retro things hold zero appeal. I am thankful we no longer have to endure those pixelated monstrosities.

Party pooper!

I’m surprised ugly pink CGA palette hasn’t made a comeback with vaporwave asthetics.