Kickstarting and Screaming

some parts remind me of Time Stories, which was okay-ish, but a one and done affair. But it looks Etherfields has more “game” to it…

A couple of corrections: it’s all one box, they incorporated the stretch goals into the main box instead of packing them separately as many projects do. (Though you could buy a separate minis addon and a 5th player addon that are in separate boxes.) The shipment is happening in two waves, so the late pledges will be added into wave 2 along with everyone that opted to get everything in wave 2 to save on shipping. (These people are very brave, it turns out, because the wave 1 package alone was over 2 feet long and 20-odd pounds.)

I don’t agree that it can be relied on that things from KS will hit retail in a significant way or be easily available on the secondary market. Nemesis’ core game is apparently now at retail (which was always the plan), but only the core box and it was definitely not available when they did their second project. I had to pay double to get a post-campaign copy of The Edge: Dawnfall and they’ve said it makes no sense at retail. Lords of Hellas has retail listings but no availability, at least at CSI.

That said, all I can currently say about Etherfields is that the production values are stunning. I confidently expect it to be great after Tainted Grail, but I haven’t had a chance to play it yet.

I checked a let’s play video. Etherfields is basically an adventure story game. It looks nice, not sure I really want it, though.

Shut up and take my money:

I don’t know about the others, but if you found a KD:M at below KS prices you could have made some serious money.

Stuff for that game retails at a 50-100% markup from KS prices (some stuff even more) and it’s so commonly OOP that normally second market stuff goes at 25-50% over retail.

It’s stupidly priced, even with KS prices, but outside of KS it’s a robbery.

True. I possibly could have. But I’m not in the boardgame speculative market. I feel it would go against the ethos of that group too. They often point good offers to other members who they know are interested in the game. Though I’m sure some will buy and flip a game.

Looks like this will probably just miss, with 20K to go in just 12 hours. A pity, although they say they may try to re-scope and try again with a different version.

Edit: looks like they barely made it.

I doubt I’ll ever play it, but I’m glad to live in a world where Romancelvania exists.

That is a cool bird feeder. I would rather like one, but that’s a bit expensive. And it’s winter, so everything like goes away or dies anyhow.

Getting conflicting messages regarding Etherfield. All agree that the dreams are the best part of it. But I hear one strong message that there is a part in it, called Slumber, that is regarded as filler or grind. Also that the overworld is not that interesting.
But I backed the late pldege (core game), because my currently favorite youtuber, Dungeon Dives loves it.

Basically, the overworld you move around routes through nodes and most of them will either have you draw a Fate card (which will either do something then and there or populate part of the Slumber dreamscape map) or a Slumber card (which will most likely be an Entity you have to encounter in the Slumber dreamscape). It’s kind of interesting in that Slumber takes place in a map that’s being built as you go on the overworld that stays fixed until you enter a Dream proper, and your position is saved, etc. And Fates will introduce Quirks that will complicate things for you. But on the other hand, so far it’s just a straight up fight with a monster and to start with there’s only one monster and it’s not very hard to deal with as a solo player. And you may or may not get anything worthwhile out of it (rewards are based on the Turn card you end the encounter on). It’s pretty quick stuff, though, and since you don’t reset your hand, passive Progress cards, items, sealed cards, etc when Slumbers end you can use it to do some prep you don’t really have time for in the main Dreams. I think it might be interesting in the longer term, it’s just kind of bare bones when it first comes into play. And I’ve only gotten as far as starting a second Dream, so.

No doubt on all points. The thing is I am usually backing stuff just as much to see teams succeed as I am for the specific rewards. This one is both for me.

If I had a spare couple of hundred, for sure. It’s a great idea.

So I just got an email from Failbetter, their next game to go up on Kickstarter is called Mask of the Rose and is apparently set in Fallen London and will be a romance game? Anyway, this teaser was included:

Mask of the Rose: a Fallen London romance - YouTube

Will be available for kickstarting in February 2021.

Haha, that’s great. A romance game that fits my style.

While we’re on the subject of Kickstarters, Sleeping Gods put up an update yesterday. But it’s closed off, “For Backers Only”, something about their next game. I didn’t KS, I pre-ordered it, so I can’t see the update. Anyone want to help a brother out and give me the deets?

He was just soliciting playtesters from the backers for it on Tabletopia. Didn’t really say anything much about it except that it’s “a competitive adventure-euro like Near and Far” but “a bit more complex”. And set in the same world.

Cool! Thanks.

The new Vindication campaign is up. Needless to say, I’m very much in.

You can get the base game, previous expansions and various goodies and promo packs. For me, the only upgrade I need is the Chronicles expansion. It sounds like a neat way to make your wretched character more unique (+ events and character powers). Sounds neat.

(click twice on the image and Discourse should reluctantly expand it to full size)

I’m curious about this one. I only discovered Orange Nebula with their Unsettled kickstarter, which I’m very much behind and looking forward to. I don’t know much about Vindication, do you own the base game? Big fan? I’m thinking about getting in on this to support ON, just not sure if this particular game is my thing.

Can vouch for Vindication, especially the physical design of the game.

Slightly weird, though, that they have as one of their tiers for this, the base game, at a higher price than retail and delivery in 2022.