Killzone: Shadow Fall - Free map pack DLC, offline bots, 60fps multiplayer

That was a fun Qt3 session. Even if we did get chewed up, I think we started to really hold our own against a pretty experienced bunch that clearly knew the nooks of the maps and had all the toys unlocked and upgraded. Operation, Abuse Chap’s Grenade Supply was an amusing turning of the tables though.

I think we should give the tactical war zone a whirl next time. It will let us get pretty intimate with class synergy. I do wish friendly names were easier to pick out in the UI. I know I’m getting older, but it was near impossible to read a moving friendly name plate.

So I may not be the greatest at multiplayer, but at least when I’m playing supports I use my revive drone. Had multiple instances of being down next to a support, to have them do everything but use it. Watched him build a turret, walk around etc. No way it was on cooldown either in these instances either…

Also, Chaplin saw your message, when are you planning on trying to play again?

When playing support, I agree, revive and covering the respawn are critical. My biggest issue when someone is near, but I can’t Rez them is when they are down behind a silly stairway railing or cover wall and I can’t quite get LOS from my direction.

I am hoping to rally some QT3 this evening for some more Killzone. If we have a lot of folks like last night I might go for the tactical war zone and stream it so other ps4 non owners can appreciate how poorly we play the this game. :). I am thinking maybe 6pst but I have some family/Kiddo things in motion today, so not sure.

That was a lot of fun. Support seems to make a big difference in the matches, It is interesting how important all 3 classes are.

And not just supports, but the different support abilities. Having someone plant a spawn beacon is huge. Though I tend to try to play Turret support.

Good point, and this is why I cringe a bit when people say there are three classes. There are three templates that have a primary skill (scan, shield, revive), but things can get a lot more varied from there. Sure all supports can revive, but then you need to balance the other skills in your team. You have a few other elements, and all of them have tactical value.

Revive + Spawn beacon?
Revive + Turret?
Revive + Assault Drone?
Revive + Ammo box (as we saw last night, a sudden push of grenade spam can really turn the tide)

Each of these really changes the player’s role. I dare say, their class. One of my loadouts for support is Revive + Spawn Beacon with the energy three shot sniper cannon and the shotgun pistol. With this I pick a point near an objective with a long line of approach that the enemy has to use (I especially like it for the rivier side of the forest map for bomb, capture, or defense missions). Park the beacon around a corner (facing so that friendlies spawn running towards the objective) then lock into cover (O button) to suppress/ snipe down the enemy corridor. Revive when needed. Switch to shotgun pistol if they get in close or flank me. This plays entirely different than my other loadouts. And to drive home my point about how this is a different kind of tactical multiplayer experience, the above gets even more sexy if I have a stealthed Recon pinging and hunting to cover my flank. Or a friendly spawning Assault that drops an energy shield on the way by to help me hold the spawn line.

Similar cases can be made with the Recon and Assault skill and weapon options.

Obviously I am a fan of the game. However, I think its biggest enemy is frankly that it is a launch title. Sure everyone that has a PS4 has it. However, they also have 3 or 12 other distractions now as they play with the new console and KZ’s poor single player didn’t do the game any favors in drawing players in to give the MP a chance. Or the real launch title specter is that communities/ friend lists are currently blow apart as people have adopted one system, the other, or are waiting for later hardware/games/pricing. I think that if KZ was released two years from now when the likelihood is much higher that everyone has two or more systems and there were not as many new shinys to explore, then this game’s MP would be getting a hell of lot more attention.

I’m up for more Killzone tonight if you’ll still have me ; )

Like you Chaplin I’m having a real hard time picking out friendly names, makes that recon scan all the more important. And I think the way you describe each class as more of template is a fantastic way to explain what’s going on there. I’m piss poor at this game but once I discovered the support beacon I became much more useful. I have serious issues with controllers when playing a FPS so it makes it extremely dangerous for me to go out alone. Once I tried to stick near a group, or at least near one other person, I started to have better luck.

There is a lot to explore here.

Don’t steal my job. I’m suppose to be the guy that sucks and uses spawn beacons. I wasn’t feeling the game at first but I’m enjoying it now even though I am horrible at this FPS thing.

Armiger and I are starting up some KZ now.

Edit: we got a group going now. Streaming now.

Qt3 foolery

Was fun playing with you guys. Though I’m pretty quiet so you probably didn’t hear much out of me. Still trying to learn the maps and the different classes myself. While the game probably doesn’t compare with the likes of CoD/BF it’s still a pretty fun experience. My only qualm with the game and this was with past Killzones too, why is my guy like four feet tall!?

Stop posting here, you are making me want to get a PS4 to get some online Killzone.
Had a lot of fun with KZ2 before I modded my PS3.

Oh, do they still have that online tracking page that shows everything you did ingame? I thought it was kinda neat how it tracked all the little bits and pieces in Killzone 2.

Ugh, sorry I missed the action last night : (

I even tried to start it up early to give you East Coasters a reasonable go of it. Don’t worry, I am sure there will be another opportunity for you to catch one of Armiger’s grenades. Or let him stab you. Friendly fire is dangerous with that guy around. ;)

Last night also caused me to really appreciate the difference between turrets and assault drones. Both are AI controlled gun platforms that shoot baddies, but the turret is deployed with a dedicated firing arc down low and the drone is thrown out to cover anywhere from above. This makes the turret something the enemy has to come to, is directionally focused offense, more difficult to shoot from a range (walls in the way), and a FF threat. The drone on the other hand is thrown towards the enemy, shoots random stuff in any direction, and while it is more exposed to enemy fire, it has high health and forces the enemy to divert vision upwards.

The “ah ha” moment was followed by a “duh” one. These differences make the turret good for holding territory and the drone helps to push on a dug in position as folks charge, nay assault, the enemy. I dream of the charge of the Qt3 Brigade as we coordinate a group assault drone toss followed by focused assault on a mission target.

Tactical. Multiplayer.

I’ll have to try the multiplayer with you guys one of these days. I’m kinda enjoying the single player so far. Something is lacking in the gameplay department but I’m driven forward by the well done story so far. I wasn’t expecting so many parallels with the Palestinian Israeli conflict.

Is there a way to save your progress that I’m missing? I’ve had to play through Chapter 2 three times now. No matter how many checkpoints I hit, when I quit and resume the game the next day, I have to restart the Chapter from the beginning again.

At this rate, this is going to be another Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon situation where I never make any progress in the game.

I guess if I get desperate I can change the PS4 settings tomorrow so that it doesn’t automatically go into standby mode after an hour. Then I could leave it on all night, and then resume it the next day.

Does it really do that. I stopped playing the story somewhere in chapter 2 but did always eventually intend to go back to it. But if this is true I’ll never make any progress since I would play it in short 15-20 minute bursts if that.

I finished it. Now my poor PS4 can finally get some rest. I’ve had it on for the last 5 days in a row, afraid of losing progress if I ever shut it off. Luckily, I’ve got my Xbox 1 for my Hulu/Netflix watching and Rayman Legends playing needs while Killzone has been paused.

Kind of disappointing how the story and level design both became less interesting later in the game. Especially the story.

Very pretty game though. If you want to show off your PS4’s graphics, this is game to do it with.

Still, I give this Killzone high marks for at least being very interesting in the first half of the game. Definitely worth a rental.

I wished Titanfall had pretty much ANY of the technical prowess shown off in Killzone.

Some more spoiler-free thoughts on Killzone.

I don’t exactly want to gush about the game and get expectations up, but I do want to make clear that the game beat my own expectations by quite a bit, which were based on me playing through Killzone 2.

The best thing i got out it is that I do love aiming down the scope with most of these weapons and getting headshots. Being able to do that reliably with a PlayStation controller has never happened before, so maybe the novelty of it all is clouding my judgement a little bit.

The other thing I wanted to mention is that even though the problem from Killzone 2 of “these places don’t look like they were ever lived in” still exists, but it’s a lot less acute this time. They’ve put at least some effort this time to put incidental furniture and objects into rooms to make it feel like they actually had occupants, and there was a purpose to the room before it became a place you would fight in.

Finally I just want to give some advice to people who are making their way through the game and become stuck: Hi fellow stuck gamer! Remember how in the beginning of the game they taught you how to use your little robot thingie and then you never had to use it again so you forgot all about it? Well, you need to use it again now a few hours/days later and you’ve forgotten how to do it. You’ve tried every button and you can’t figure out how to give him different orders any more. You tried searching online for the solution and they just say to use your robot thingie but not how to use it. Well fear not! I’m here to help. It’s the touchscreen on the DS4!