Kingdom Come: Deliverance

This save system sucks ass especially when a game is as glitchy and buggy as this. I would hate it on its own, but the software errors make it really painful.

I haven’t tried it so I don’t know if it works, but I’ve seen references to a setting that lets you save the game without the alcohol item. Here’s what I found.

Yeah, there’s already a mod in the Steam community area. I’m trying to experience the game as intended, but I’m pretty sure I’ll buckle and mod it out.

I played it for about 30 minutes. Performance was good - slow start, really liked what I saw of the world, definitely has a Skyrim look/feel, like how gritty it feels although the faces seem to not really match how crass the conversations can be. Spent too much time playing early dice game that seemed difficult to win, but I only skimmed instructions and largely learned by aping what my opponent did.

There were no quicksaves in 15th century Bohemia.

I’ve been watching some streams, the jank and wacky bugs makes them highly entertaining. The kind of bugs that make you want to play.

The staircase remains undefeated!







There’s nothing weird. It’s an interesting game that makes people curious, but most of them don’t have super powerful computers as the average streamer, or don’t want the hassle of an unoptimized buggy game.

It’s exactly the type of game that is more enjoyable to see someone else playing, than playing yourself.

You never played Farkle before?

If anyone wants to see how the game runs on my PC (2500K, 8GB, 1070) here is uncompressed video:

It shows two graphics settings and resolutions. It is only from the starting village looking at things and checking texture quality, I do not want to play any further until I finish Elex.

I could literally feel the stutter from sideways movement that occurs when games drop below 45 fps :). Seems like most engines suffer from this problem, but I never researched what actually causes it. Forward movement seems to be more or less immune to this issue on the other hand.

That lighting though, daaaaamn. Game looks really good.

I was torn between Shroud of the Avatar vs Kingdom Come but nicer graphics made Kingdom very appealing to me. Both seemed to need polish gameplay/bugs wise… and nicer graphics made it bearable.

It’s the same, just more obvious when moving the camera sideways. Find any static vertical reference point like the side of a wall or post.

It’s different, when moving sideways it feels like something is pushing you back, like when you’re rubberbanding in an online game. It was pretty severe in FO3 and FNV for example.

Yeah which is why I changed it to medium to showcase how gloriously smooth it is at 60 :)

Also my mind is blown, Angry Joe is streaming it and actually enjoying it. He is a hater of eurojank, so this is a surprise.

The lockpicking minigame may be one of the worst ones yet.

On the good side, I think combat is actually a lot better than it appears in video.

Have you played Chivalry? Is it anything like that whereby moving your mouse mid swing controls where the blade goes?

I have played Chivalry. It’s not really like that either. It’s like a mix between the movement-based strikes of something like Mount & Blade and something clunkier like Skyrim with the difficulty cranked all the way up when you’re level 2. The targeting “star” is really hard to use at first, but once you get a handle on it, the thing works. Combat starts out really clumsy and terrible, but I guess that’s kind of the point since you’re an untrained peasant and really should be avoiding combat as much as possible. As you go along, you unlock combat moves and perks and it gets better, which kind of mirrors your actual real-life proficiency progression with the system.

The only negative for me is that the animation system isn’t fluid enough to really support what they’re trying to do. There’s a lot of janky movement, and you’ll see NPCs flop and stutter like marionettes as they shift from one move or stance to another. The same goes for your own arms.

The jank does fit surprisingly well with streaming.

One of the streamers got into a 10 foot archery duel with a soldier. The NPC would take out an arrow, nock it in the bow, and get hit by an arrow. Then the NPC would take out an arrow, nock it in the bow, and get hit by an arrow. Repeat until dead.

I played it a little and the game does a really poor job explaining itself.

So far it seems like a pale imitation of the combat in for honor (purely speaking of the combat). In fact, it kind of makes me want to play for honor again.

(not mine)