Langrisser Mobile is Awesome

Some people are guessing that next week is the crossover since the current Echo (the whale skin thing) ends next week. Hopefully it’s two weeks away though.

Ah, thanks for the background! The glaring issue aside, I’m not a fan of the flat shading with the Sakura characters, the Trails cast at least fit in the art style. Still, teleport and pseudo Tiaris talent in a healer? Seems too good not to use.

I think the Sakura is just a one shot with the 3 characters, and no storyline afaik.

Yeah it could be. I think we’re still “off” somehow due to a delay way back in the spring.

Today I rolled Lone Star armlet (rolled into Cherie’s, which is now 50) and another Twilight armor. Can’t complain. Oh, and whatever the garbage tier bow is. I should have purchased a spirit instead, since I want to level Hrunting now. But whatever. This will only delay my plans by a couple of days.

I like how weird the RNG in this game is sometimes.

I had a group that could auto the level 55 blue thingy mission. It’s only 4/5 people with reward up, because I can’t auto it with all 5. My cherie is pretty good but she doesn’t get it done. So I figured out I could use Leon, and in the following conmfiguration I made 300+ thingies today:

Sonya, Liana, Leon

I scienced this thing out, playing with the positioning. Leon cleans up right (with Liana help), Cherie and Sonya do enough damage left that Leon can cross back and clean up.

After stopping to do some GBs, it stopped working entirely. Leon doesn’t even do the same thing anymore; he used to Chivalry in straight right (standing in the middle of the 3 enemies), attack the bottom skel archer guy, and then move straigth back left 3 squares. Liana would again him and he’d kill the cavalary. Now he moves under the skele guy and then retreats SQ, so Liana heads off to the other side of the map.

I mean what even is this, lol.

If you have the spare food, I strongly suggest you do the level 45 ones, as it will save you ton of times; those are over in a matter of seconds

I had once gotten an SSR doing Angelica’s joint battle. It was a few months ago, on a level 48 one. Since then, none, ever. Today I do it with a friend, who tells me “you know, you get one SSR every couple of those if you do them with friends”. At the end, I got 2 SSRs. What the…

I’m just trying to get today’s arena win. REgular matchups have been absurd all day.

So I did WA for a casual. And I got a fucking tryhard. He might win, because I suppose I took an unecessary risk with Elwin (went melee against Zerida and died, didn’t think I would). He’s 2p. Give me a break.

Oh no I won. Lol.

And don’t get the mission completion. Sigh.

Always think you will, but do it hoping you might take her with you ;)

Speaking of monsters, I met my first whaled Joshua today. Attack was close to 1500. He wiped half my team with a single map attack (only half because the other half was out of the monster’s reach). He wiped the other half on his next turn, though.
The first one, the line one, was in the 15k range. The other one was in the 10k range. That’s like an unblockable full powered Listell blood dance… twice.

Haha. I didn’t and things got more interesting than they ought to have (I ran Bozel, Cherie, Elwin, Ledin, Liana). Dude was living in the flames, but I ultimately prevailed. I did make a couple of mistakes because I thought I would wrap it up fairly easily.

I did not take Faction Buff off Bozel before the fight. That was a mistake, I think, because I couldn’t kill the assassins before EArthquake wore off (mistake #1; although I’m not sure I could have gotten both as I had to use Elwin to kill his pretty good Ledin). And I didn’t get a clock proc so I had nothing else to do (think I would have been better off with Blackhole as spell #2). something went sideways when I sent Cherie in, maybe she failed to kill an assassin.

Yikes, I can’t even imagine the enchants he has to reach 1500 ATK.

I squeezed in two games of Apex just before it closed today. Won one, lost one. I didn’t know Leonhardt’s disable act again debuff last 3 turns (and can’t be dispelled)! That’s actually pretty good. His Leonhardt wasn’t that strong (1k atk post buff) and he did a whole bunch of fancy moves in my face + hrunting, but I had Jugler and I just healed it all back, no problem.

(The mercenary Gerold&Layla is not great, int is a bit low. Varna is not bad)

Was Elwin almost dead? Assassins have high attack priority, though I’m not sure how whether it applies the same way when defending.

I think Elwin was probably 35-40% or so health. Probably close enough to almost dead for counting for Assassin purposes. Note: I know very litttle about assassins and just consider their prowess to be waves hands around magic.

And no troops isn’t ideal either, I assume. The Zerida was very unhealthy as well but probably functions better sans troops on account of waves hands around assassin magic.

If you’re really curious, you can rewatch the match, and turn on animations (assuming you have it off.) That should tell the story.

Yes, although I confess I have oftentimes trouble following what is going on in fights with Ninjas: I wish for a slowmotion replay option.

I stole @peacedog’s thunder: week starts great with my 2nd EMB draw!


I got, uh, an Olver’s staff I think (gacha, dragons were quiet today)? I junked it. I’ve also got Hrunting to 40.

So, I have 4 masteries on Leonhardt now and just got the second on Estelle. Think I am going to put runestones into her, even though I technically have better candidates (I just got Landius to 60).

@Left_Empty you use Amazon Champions on her?

I’m jealous! Usual frostrend/wind cutter/seal guardian crap from the weekly draw as usual.

Also looks like Sakura Wars crossover is coming this week.

I spent 2 runestoners only to get the Phalanx, which changed her usability a lot more than I expected. Well for one, my Phalanx are level 9 or so, while the other troops she could use are level 2 or 3 in my book, so of course that didn’t help, but the theme of the Legend of Heroes character is that their troops are only buffers: they are not meant to go into battle. Red Horse Cavalry is a necessity for Leonhardt, as Phalanx are, in my opinion, to Estelle, as she wasn’t able to sustain a single hit before, and she has that tendency to rush into troubles because of her talent. Now it takes an angry Lana to take her down in one shot, and she might actually survive quite a few tanking sessions if no Elwins are involved.

She might be viable in other ways as a real tank, but that’s not how I use her.

4-11 this week in WA. Quite a few matches against people I simply cannot beat. High powered Listells, dps characters with post faction buff attacks in the mid teens.

There have been a handful of really frustrating matches, though.

Twice, my Elwin (6*, finally) has failed to kill Ledin’s that were good but not amazing. No 750-800+ def Ledins here. I don’t understand why. Twice, Leons who really weren’t much better than mine (say, 30+ attack difference so these were basically high 10xx guys) did significant damage to my Ledin.

My Cherie has been dead weight most of the time, so I’m just dropping her from WA. Although I would like someone to explain to me how my cherie - fbuiffed, at like 1088 attack or something - almost killed herself attacking a 666 atk, 300+ def enemy cherie (I was at full health, enemy was like 70%, ended the battle with more health than me). both using Angels, the other Cherie’s were worse than mine. No thorns or anything.

I suck at PVP so I probably blew a couple of matches that were winnable. Most of these weren’t really winnable though. My 4 wins include 2 guys who aren’t even account level 60. So I basically had like 6 “winnable” games out of 15, including two “I will roflstomp this guy”.

I’ll try for Silver III tomorrow but every time I get on the verge of promotion I roll an oppoent who wrecks me.

That Cherie scenario seems really weird. Maybe their Cherie was standing alone, and yours was close to anther friendly unit? Still that’s only a 20-25% reduction, and Cheries are notoriously weak when already damaged. (higher level troops? defensive terrain + flyer bonuses? no idea)

You should try Apex if you haven’t already, decent rewards, you don’t lose points per week and more level playing field in general. This week’s Landius mercenary looks pretty good – better stats than mine anyway.

Gah I forget about that part of her passive. She was alone and mine was not. But that shouldn’t account for the difference. Her angels werent’ better, but I suppose it’s possible she had higher level flier troops overall? I would think the stats would reflect it. I mean they weren’t far from mine (I have level 10s), so they were solid if not pretty good. It’s really been that kind of day. Like it occurred to me maybe the Ledin’s had better overall lancers, and had many more points in the passive that gives more damag reduction at 100%. I can see that. But one of them was sub 600 defense if memoryu serves (the other was like 650, which is fairly beefy), I feel like my Elwin should shred that. Although I am pretty sure Def Break didn’t trigger both times, for sure once.