Last Epoch: ARPG somewhere between Path of Exile and Diablo.

Uniques that have legendary potential can be combined with an exalted item at the end of one of the dungeons to craft legendary items. A number of affixes (chosen randomly) from the exalted equal to the potential gets transferred to the unique.

No, that’s what makes those special. There’s also no system that I’m aware of where you can use those effects without the items like D3 had (one of the few things about D3 that I liked).

Uniques are the one area I feel their loot system isn’t good enough. Too many uniques aren’t really worth the designation and the lack of level scaling makes a lot of them into worthless drops later, especially weapons. Legendary potential helps out the utility slots like rings and belts become relevant again, but a weapon with low base damage is bad no matter how many extra affixes you can stick on it.

I’ve noticed that I’ve had duplicate uniques multiple times, suggesting the pool isn’t that big. Fortunately, I think that’s something they could address fairly easily in the scheme of things. Maybe once the last few masteries are in, they will do a big pass on unique items.

It would be really cool, though, if the level of an exalted item used to craft a legendary could scale the level of the implicit up in some way? Then, having one legendary potential could still boost an item significantly, even if you get unlucky on which affix gets copied over.

Looks like there are 282 unique and set items. That seems like a good number for the initial release of the game (and we’re not at 1.0 yet, so there’s likely more coming).

That does sound like a lot. Maybe it’s just because the drop rate is higher than I expected.

As expected this is not on sale, but I’m mulling it anyway. This or Conquest of Elysium 5, maybe…

Can’t speak for CoE5 but I think this is a steal at $35. Granted, they’re very different games so I guess a lot depends on what itch needs scratching at the moment. :)

Extremely different. Do I want loot chase power fantasy or wacky sandbox pseudo-4x?

The right answer is always “both”.

Correct. Time, however, is always sadly limited despite all my fiendish arcane researches to the contrary end.

Also correct. I wish I had time to play every game I bought, but life is too short… ;)

I just picked up the Distant Worlds 2 DLC, Stellaris DLC, and there’s the Diablo 4 beta this weekend as well as the Victoria 2 update this week. I don’t know that I’m doing, because I’m also constrained by the reality of time and I’m probably mostly playing Last Epoch this weekend. :)

Ah well, give me too many games pulling at my attention rather than being bored of everything in my library!

I’m glad y’all are talking about this game so much because it put it on my radar. Seems exactly the type of game that I like and it’ll be perfect after release for filling in gaps in my ‘want to play’ list once other must-plays clear the field.

Sorry if it was mentioned early and missed, but what is the Last Epoch account required for?


Is that a multiplayer-only thing (you can’t play online without it) or is it a server connection thing (you can’t play because it’s an always online game)?

I think they did away with their own account system in 0.9 and migrated everything over to Steam. Prior to 0.9, there was a non-Steam standalone client and authentication was done using their own system (for both standalone and Steam versions).

There is an offline mode of the game where your characters are stored locally, although I do think you need to authenticate? They’re releasing a fully offline client with 1.0.

Ah, that notice on Steam might be a holdover from pre-0.9 then. Thanks.

I don’t mind the online-modes, getting used to them these days, but I do like that they are offering an offline mode with, possibly, authentication from time-to-time.

Alright, I’m in on this I guess. Hmmm, Bladedancer or Druid…

Well as it turns out I couldn’t resist the power fantasy, either. I have about the same choice in front of me as @Harkonis, but I think I’ll actually spin up a sorcerer first. When me and two of my roommates played through Diablo back in college I picked the sorcerer and I’ve had a soft spot for them ever since (although I plowed through D2 solo as a barbarian so for me Diablo = Canonical Barb pretty much now).

I really like Werebear, personally, FWIW. Lots of great builds there. Plus, you get to be Cocaine Bear and go mess stuff up.

What I’ll probably do is what I always do: make like three or four characters and play them all for a half hour and waffle.

Can’t speak to the first one but I went druid and think its alot of fun.