Last Epoch: ARPG somewhere between Path of Exile and Diablo.

The player count hit 18K today, up from a previous high of 7k. Servers were a little busy.

Last Epoch requires a login even for single player. The patch notes say there will be a true offline mode before it leaves early access.

And login worked fine - its when you selected and created an online character you had issues.

This thread got me hyped enough I came home for lunch, bough it and registered an accountā€¦ and I canā€™t play it. Servers are down. Clicking ā€œplay offlineā€ doesnā€™t even work, which is absolutely absurd. Not a great first impression, but I guess Iā€™ll wait and see if I can get in tonight after work before I refund.

EDIT: Okay, clicking the Play Offline button like a maniac eventually worked for some reason. I donā€™t mind games like this needing to roll back changes or perform maintenance, plus itā€™s in early access, but let us play offline at least. Thankfully I seem to be able to? Iā€™ll play for a bit, see how it goes.

I need to stop tracking this thread. The hype is starting to wear me down. If this was $20 Iā€™d be playing it already, the only thing saving me is the $35 price tag. Please share the all the bad things about it so I wonā€™t want to get it.

At least wait for the Spring Sale next week! Though they skipped the winter sale so I suspect they may pass again as 1.0 approaches.

My cousin loves these kinds of games even more than I do so I picked this up and recorded a quick video for him, but itā€™s processing right nowā€¦ When it finishes, Iā€™ll post a link if anyone wants to see me come at this basically blind.

ā€œIf I click on thisā€”oh my God! Well, ok then.ā€


LOL yeah man that blew my mind.

Iā€™m at work and canā€™t watch the video. What was the reaction in regards to?

When I clicked into the Fireball skill to ā€œspecializeā€ it and each skill seems to have a huge, specialized menu of ways to modify and change it haha. Mind blown.

Ahhh! Yep. Itā€™s a really cool system. It adds the power and flexibility of Path of Exileā€™s support gems but I like the way it is presented better. Very discoverable, easy to plan stuff out, fewer UI fiddly bits, etc. As Iā€™m sure youā€™ve discovered, you can really customize how your specialized skills behave. And while PoE would have one (more rarely two) 6-Linked skill the build is based around, you get to specialize five of them here. Itā€™s one of my favorite systems.

One thing I love in any ARPG is the ability to destroy scenery, and this gameā€™s apparent hatred of wood, crates, boxes and barrels is a delight. Kill 'em all.

ARPG characters are Ikea terrorists.

I do want to tell all future ARPG developers that Iā€™m tired of Tetris inventory systems and itā€™s time to invent something different. Torchlight was sort of ok because you had the companion that you could send off to go sell your junk and thus free up inventory space, however Iā€™m ready for a new system.

Thankfully, autosort, remote deposit of crafting materials, and the in-game loot filter builder make the inventory pretty painless for me to manage. I only see loot that Iā€™m potentially interested in so Iā€™m not constantly cleaning out my inventory like Iā€™m usually doing in these games. Well, I have some of that at the start where Iā€™m just looking for any gear, but I get pretty strict with the filters.

1000% times this!

That said, at least LE has a ā€œsortā€ button and a ā€œauto-store all the crafting componentsā€ button. That goes a long way.

Hey, those crates arenā€™t gonna explode themselves.

Yeah the loot filter in PoE helped, however there is still part of me that hates leaving rare+ stuff laying around that I could grab and sell for gold, or materials in the case of PoE.

Speaking of that, would is gold used for in this game? I tend never to spend gold on buying weapons/armor from merchants, is there other value in gold?

Today I learned this game has a loot filter, and my goodness can it get granular.

I believe thereā€™s a gold cost in respecing mastery points. Thereā€™s a gambler if Iā€™m not mistaken and I canā€™t remember if crafting costs gold or only the crafting materials. Thatā€™s about all I can think of.