LawBreakers - CliffyB's Boss Key joint

I was watching footage of this earlier today and was thinking the exact same thing. There was just nothing striking about how the game looked. When you contrast that with Overwatch, it’s just night and day.

Guys… CliffyB doesn’t want you to compare it to Overwatch… :p

I also watched a few videos of it, I like the fact that it isn’t cartoony. But I am not going to pick it up unless it has a player base that sticks with it.

i’m playing the closed alpha now, and the game performance is great, it doesn’t have anything to do with overwatch which have game modes just like tf2 (and i got fed of ow pretty fast), right now lawbreakers has 4 classes and a game mode and playstyle that seems similar to unreal tournament, the classes are good and it’s a fast paced game, image quallity was choppy which was annoying and terrible, was hard to see, hopefully they will tweak it, but it’s alpha and they can fix a lot of stuff, it’s more like unreal indeed, so it has potential.

what annoyed me the most was the weapon dmg i guess so i didn’t get hooked up but the game is solid and not bad at all.

Just judging from the videos I think this game is going to get “Battleborned”. It’s just too similar to the Overwatch juggernaut. I think it’ll take some kind of miracle for it to gain any traction. I’m all for more arena-shooters but if I were making one at the moment I’d take great pains to differentiate it from Overwatch. This one just looks all too similar and I doubt they can compete with the budget/polish of Blizzard.

Enforcer trailer is out, guess they will do one for each class…

Free Alpha Keys!

Anyone else try this? I know its alpha and all… But I think its not for me.

I was informed I missed a trailer for this game that was shown at last weeks game awards.

Here it is, how about that music? ;)

Closed beta is live, if you got a key. :p

It is quite interesting… a bit chaotic but very cool and complicated. also runs well, low graphics are really good

Looking good!
Who is voicing the ball?? They should’ve just said!

So its releasing August 8th!

Yes, the eSports guy yelling at his monitor… That’s exactly the way to market this to me.

breakin da law breakin da law

Im definitely going to need a 3 liter Mountain Dew and a ziplock bag of someone else’s adderall prescription for this game.

Toss it next to the carcass of Battlborn as it gets steamrolled by OverWatch.

So, they’re flying around?

Looked a bit like Titanfall 2.

Except for more dudebros - the market they aiming for.

Having played both Titanfall 2 and a few hours of the beta of LawBreakers.

I’d rather invest my time with Titanfall 2.

At only $29.99, I’ll probably check out the PS4 version. Mostly because a guy I went to college with is on the team.