League of Legends: Official Thread

You can still find some of us on mumble at nights.

Who do you guys think is the most fun champion out of the last four (Syndra, Khazix, Elise, Zed)? I have some refund RP and kind of want to get a new dood.

Khaā€™Zix is pretty fun on Dominion.

Well I just went 12/1/9 in my first Zed game, he seems pretty silly.

Elise is free this week.

If thereā€™s an ASpd Difference then he might indeed be using the 15% AS and 6 AD page. Itā€™ll also probably vary on depending on the game, itā€™s not like heā€™s stuck using the one page :)

The ionian build is a kinda funny story, basically his chat mod asked him about it (having come up with the semblence of the build) looking for an opinion and Wickd just lolā€™d at him. Then he said fine, heā€™d try it since the mod ended up winning a ton of games. Wasnā€™t long before Wickd was then proclaiming Ionian as the new OP.

Anybody have a sense of where to go for some advice for new players that is up to date?

Uh. Like what kind of advice? Build advice?

I think the best thing to do is either watch competitive games, or just play a lot. If you are new.

Also, when I played Zed on PBE he seemedā€¦ hard. I think they may have buffed up the range on his shadow, which would help. Also, the shadow always slows with E now. Before, it would only slow if you hit with both yours and the shadowsā€¦

Decided to play a little LoL this week. My last game played was October 2011, Iā€™m liking a lot of the new stuff. Like, Queen Ashe looks less ridiculous now! Plus I got ribbons!

Hereā€™s how this game works: I get all worked up about man I better know what Iā€™m doing or theyā€™ll throw me out of the game. So I start reading strats and trying to figure out which item is good because this character has better AP scaling but casts more expensive spells so blah blah some bullshit. Then I get myself all nervous about it and after two days Iā€™m like fuck it letā€™s play a game. So I get in my first game and my partner in the bottom lane just runs right for the goddamn bushes while Iā€™m still half a lane away. This dude is like all in. They knock him down to 5 HP and he runs back to our tower and just sits there and waits for minions to show up. So itā€™s me and 5HP Nunu. Then three people on our team quit and me and Teemo wait out the 15 minutes or whatever it takes to surrender.

Yep, good to be back!

So browsing the store I saw that one Ezreal theme thing that costs like 25 dollars or something? I donā€™t play Ez but I wanted to check it out so I hit up the YouTubes. The official trailer didnā€™t show much but then I found a full gameplay + commentary video by Sykkuno? Hadnā€™t heard of him before but that video was hilarious. Kind of a weird cross between ironic hipster and NHL TV commentator. So anyway thatā€™s what Iā€™m watching for the rest of the night.

Iā€™m horrible at this game, in fact I quit playing with Qt3 simply because I couldnā€™t stand being the weak link. That said, the biggest improvement so far came from watching pro games, youā€™ll soak up the proper behavior quickly. You should also pick one, maybe two champions and learn them backwards and forwards rather than skip around, and use the various build guides to buy stuff at first.

Go to youtube and search for azubu frost, there are a lot of good matches of them.

Season 3 will start soon, with several sweeping changes to items, masteries and jungle camps. Whatever a new player learns right now will be outdated fairly quickly.

Btw, since I remember from the Skyrim thread that there are a few fellow sufferers of strong visual arachnophobia on this board:
If Elise disturbs you too much, thereā€™s a mod available which removes all spiders.

I tried Elise on my Dominion smurf account last night and sheā€™s pure murder. She has utility, burst, staying power and a very long range gap closer. I felt like a pub stomper.

The ā€œseason 3ā€ changes are actually actually a set of pre-season changes, so that Riot can make some fairly dramatic changes to the game (masteries, jungle, items) before the official competitive season starts up. I expect these changes to be rolling in fairly soon, because I thought I heard rumor about season 3 competition in January - but maybe the big season 3 weekly games thing Riot is doing will have a pre-season as well.

Elo for ranked games was just reset, whatever Elo you earn during preseason will stick around for season 3.

Yeah I think Iā€™m going to get KhaZix and Elise, because bugs are cool.

Whatā€™s with Riot releasing so many assassins?

Fair point. Iā€™m not sure I have the gumption to try and bust it out in a real game (I still have not decided if Iā€™m actually returning to it), but it looks really freaking powerful. One thing I feel I took away fromthe recent tournaments was that people were, on average, building a little more offensively on so-called bruisers. Obviously people were building based not just on their own build strategy but what in-game circumstances dictated.

The ionian build is a kinda funny story, basically his chat mod asked him about it (having come up with the semblence of the build) looking for an opinion and Wickd just lolā€™d at him. Then he said fine, heā€™d try it since the mod ended up winning a ton of games. Wasnā€™t long before Wickd was then proclaiming Ionian as the new OP.

Thatā€™s awesome.

Do you have to go through ranked qualifying again?

Yup, you have to play your placement games again. I may try to duo-queue them up with a friend next week. If you do well, you can hit gold during placement. Iā€™m ashamed to only have a silver border now - what a noob I am.

Iā€™m so scarred from my last attempt at doing ranked qualifying that Iā€™m not sure I can stomach it again, even if Chiffy offers to carry me. I was 3-1 and finished 3-7. 3 of those losses from the tail end of that streak turned on my team being turbo trolled (trolls of the ā€œIā€™ll just suicide into my laning opponent over and over and feed the shit out of him, and then keep dying so youā€™re always 4v5 with a gold deficitā€ variety).

Of course, given how out of practice I am jumping into ranked qualifying right now would be stupid.

Play a bunch of normals, then donā€™t worry so much about ranked games elo. Itā€™s just a number, and if you keep playing itā€™ll go up over time. Also, if Chiffyā€™s already played his placement games and you duo with him, your entire team will be at at a disadvantage, as heā€™ll be high elo, and the intermediate elo of your team will be lower than the other team (so you might expect people to have problems.) If he hasnā€™t played too many placement games yet (or not done super well), then youā€™d do better with him. Even the pros duo queue at low elo to get those games out of the way.