Leap Day '24 (Leap into it!)

Happy Leap Day to all Qt3erz!

Awe yeah!

Tears followed by candy and cigarettes for everyone!

Remember to write down anything important that happens today so you don’t forget when it disappears from the timeline.

Oh, hi! See you again in 4 years. ;)

Stupid, stupid idea. Did you know that way, way more heart attack deaths occur on Feb 29 in leap years, compared to non-leap years? It’s high time we eliminated the whole thing - either permanent leap or never leap - pick one and stick to it…

And what’s the deal with February, as long as we’re at it? 28 days? Why not 7 30-day months and 5 31-day months?

13 months of 28 days each, and we all of us, globally, celebrate that odd day together!

Very unlucky, that. Might as well break a mirror over the head of a black cat under a ladder.

Somebody should get fired for this.

Or an environmental award?

We had to wait an extra day this year for our anniversary, which is on March 1st. I knew a buddy years ago that got married on Feb 29th on purpose so he would only have to remember every 4 years.

I quit smoking weed on leap day for similar reasons. Going to take me 4 years to get a year of sobriety …

Also happy anniversary to you & your spouse!

Thanks! Was a good day. 33 years and counting now…

Mirrors cause self image problems.

Cats cause animal genocide.

Ladders are used to oppress people.

Burn it all!


Sir, are you responsible for the Cats Are Murder Machines mania that took place here years ago?

My 2 indoor cats Grace & Ginger & I have our eyes on you !

I didn’t start that conversation lol.

Anyway, my dog has saved me from the evil mailman AND the squirrels, so I must defend her honour and fight your cats.

edit - they are murder machines, such beautiful furry lovely animals.

If I didn’t have my dog I would strongly consider a cat.

Alright then … claws sheathed and Ginger & Grace extend their felicitations to you & your canine friend!

May h/she also protect you from any chipmunks :)

My dog is called Grace.

Clearly they belong together.

Squirrels are going to be so fcked if they team up.