Leap of Fate - Roguelike ARPG Cyberpunk Card Thingy

So has anyone played around with this?

It looks REALLY cool, and I’m about to take the plunge, but I wanted to see if anyone else has touched it.

Wow, that does look cool. Not big into early access, but it’s now wishlisted.

I got it, played it for a bit, was bored, refunded it. It has potential, but there doesn’t feel like there’s any there there yet, you know?

This is out of Early Access good reviews overall. I bought it a while back and then got distracted by other games.

Looking forward to giving it a shot after work.

Since the game doesn’t have leader boards, this is my best run with Aeon. It’s a great game!

I am intensely weirded out by the fact that, having never seen him leave a review on Steam before, I found myself immediately thinking “this sounds just like Tom Chick” while reading the first review.

It’s funny, I didn’t like it back when I tried it in EA. Got a refund even. Reacquired a copy and am enjoying it!

So, the core gameplay here is a twin stick shooter? Not what I was expecting, but looks interesting.

So, if I can only get one, should I get this or Forced Showdown?

Forced Showdown is far more polished. And if it matters to you – it matters to me – you can’t quit out of Leap of Fate without losing your progress. Forced Showdown will let you come back to a game later.

Forced Showdown vs Leap of Fate.


That matters a lot to me, actually. Thanks for the feedback - I’ll try to watch those videos later. No promises though - I hardly have time to watch videos, and my “Watch Later” list on Youtube is way too big already. :)

Oh, no need to watch it all! But if you skip through them, you can get a pretty good idea of how each one plays and looks.


Very much liking Leap of Fate at the moment.
Love Hand of Fate also but it takes much longer to get through a session and i’m pretty sure you can’t save midway through in that one either (I’ve never tried.)
I usually die or win within about 15mins in Leap of Fate. This is a type of game I can play in the short times I have available as a parent. I like that I seem to be slowly building up a character or in the case of HOF… a deck.
Tempted to get Forced Showdown now.

I have no idea why you’d think that. If you quit out of Hand of Fate, it puts you right where you left off when you boot it back up.

If you quit out of Leap of Fate, you lose any progress you might have made and you get to start over. If you’re short on time, you better hope you don’t do well!


P.S. In fact, I just reinstalled Hand of Fate to verify. It had saved my place mid-mission from when I had uninstalled the game!

Fair enough. I think my only experience of leaving mid game and it not resuming was during early access. I guess i’m curious - do the mission sequences in Leap of Fate get pretty lengthy? Because as I said it’s been 10-15min games for me so far whereas the road to the King of Dust last night took around 30mins.

I can’t imagine you can play all six missions in Leap of Fate in under an hour. Ten minutes per mission is probably a conservative estimate. Of course, you’ll usually die before then, this being a rogue-like. But imagine not dying and having to put the game on hold after, say, 45 minutes of doing well because, I dunno, you have to install Windows 10 or join your World of Warcraft raid or finally get off your ass and go to work for the day.

“Nope!”, says Leap of Fate, “you either keep playing or I’m going to start you over right at the beginning!”


I’ve completed 3 missions and when I reload it lets me start at Mission 4. Are we talking about different things?

I think this needs some clarification from the designers.
Because I’ve played successfully through more than a few sets of cards - return to the main menu with a new level added on the wheel and new unlocks.
At the same time i’ve died more than once in these encounters and i’m spat out to the menu having failed to get to the next level. In either case whenever I boot the game up I’m back at whatever level i’ve achieved. One thing I have noticed is my character is back to starting abilities - which I figure is like Binding of Isaac a bit.
I’ve played Forced Showdown now as well and the mechanic where you have to beat a number of arenas - then a boss - before a save point is from what I can tell exactly the same as in Leap of Fate.

EDIT: after watching your video I think I understand what you are saying. The problem with LOF is that you need to go through 6 levels of however many encounters to complete the story. While certain things are permanent upgrades, so yr character is slowly getting tougher, you mostly start from scratch with the character when you die or if you quite. I agree that it seems insane that it doesn’t save your progress between levels when it already is saving your permanent upgrades.

Have you ever used Display Driver Uninstaller prior to installing new drivers? It has a history of resolving odd graphical issues.

A “full game” of Leap of Faith consists of six missions, each mission being a pile of cards you have to navigate to reach the boss. I would estimate the missions take about ten minutes at a normal pace? So a successful gameplay session – i.e. getting through without dying – probably takes about an hour. If you quit the game before finishing a “full game”, you lose all your progress. You don’t even get credit for a completed mission (hint: get yourself killed before you quit so your gameplay session is credited toward the character progress). It’s impossible to play a successful outcome over multiple sessions.

A “full game” of Forced Showdown is called a campaign. A campaign consists of multiple battles, and each battle consists of eight arenas. If you quit an arena, it counts as a loss, but you’re still in the campaign. If you quit out of the campaign, the next time you press play from the main menu, it asks if you want to resume your game. Forced Showdown is possible to play to a successful outcome over multiple sessions.

In other words, there is no way to “pause” a game of Leap of Fate. You either sit down for up to an hour or not at all. But Forced Showdown will always remember where you were when you quit out. The only time you would lose progress is if you decided to quit in the middle of a battle. Battles take, I don’t know, five minutes?
