Left 4 Dead PC or 360?

After having played hours and hours, I agree. Expert is the way to play it.

On the whole PC vs 360 thing, I will say this about the PC: it’s great having the QT3 group. Go on there, start an event for a Left4Dead pickup game and within seconds a bunch of people are there and ready for some zombie killin’.

Made it all the way through on Expert now, despite having a witch spawn right next to the machine gun nest/medical cabinet in the final room :)

Who voted against zombies and for nazis?

They probably voted for zombie nazis, if that helps any.

I just picked up the demo today… me and a few friends figured out how to play as the Infected and also how to bypass the 4 player limit, so an awesome 4v3 game ensued. It was basically the same as the normal gameplay (AI zombies still attack you, surviors still have objects, its not really a VS mode so much as coop except the AI gets human reinforcements) except that the Infected could spawn at any time as a hunter/boomer/shocker/tank.

Obviously the final game won’t be exactly like that (I would assume there’s respawn times), but it makes me wonder if it’ll be similar to that? Can someone who has played the prerelease beta chime in?

Sorry about all the bouncing in and out earlier. I was trying to fix something with the game, and some other friends kept inviting me to their games. It was a bit of a mess :) I’m down for playing with you guys again sometime though.

I finally got around to trying the L4D demo on the 360 (I’ve already played it on PC), and I have to say, I’m pretty shocked at the difference in graphics. The 360 has seen much, much better looking games. On the PC, by default it selected the highest level details and 4xAA, which games don’t usually default to on my system. And the game looked incredible. On the 360, the texture detail is about on par with the original Half Life 2, and the game doesn’t really compare graphically with the likes of Bioshock, Call of Duty 4, Assassin’s Creed, etc. I guess they had to dial down the detail since there’s potentially so many zombies on the screen at once, which none of those games that I listed do. So maybe that explains why it doesn’t look that great on the 360.

Anyway, after seeing the visual difference between the two, I’m going to have a really tough time settling for the 360 version. Which is unfortunate, since I didn’t really enjoy the demo as a single player game, and my friends would only be willing to buy it for the 360. Grrrr. If only I’d never played the PC version. It just looks so much better.

Just played the demo on xbox (my PC sucks so bad it really has no hope) and I gotta say it’s not really my thing. Think I’ll wait for RE 5 for my coop zombie killin fix. Really cool idea though, I hope the game does well.

Does the Steam version have the ubiquitous sound stuttering problem?

Having played both demos extensively and discovering that it actually runs quite well on my ancient PC, I’m now seriously considering getting both versions. Splitscreen on the 360 version is easily the most fun I had with either demo and makes it a must purchase (plus usual console comforts).

But now I also want the PC version for cool mods and joining QT3 games (graphical and control differences are very minor for me). Plus it’s cheap at stores here.

I think I might be in the same boat as Nuclear Winter. Most of my work and meatspace buddies have a 360 and that’s what’s they’ll play on.
…and there is the big leather couch, HD TV, surround sound, kitty-cat lap warmer combination that I can only get on the 360.

But, L4D is going to be on the PC for a loonnng time, with tons of Mods, so that’s where I will settle.

Nope, not that I have seen.

Am I the only person who is waiting for a demo* before buying this game in the first place? It seems like most demo-discussion is just to determine which platform. I’m waiting to determine if I’ll buy it at all.

*I realize the demo is now out, I just don’t have time to try until next weekend.

No, but it does appear that Valve is the new Blizzard as far as product hype goes. I blame the fantastic job they did with TF2 :P

I’m also on the fence; tried the demo for the first time last night. It was really fun the first two times, and then got samey. Not sure if that’s worth full game price with all the other entertainment out there right now.

On the other hand, now’s the time to get in on the 2 week multiplayer window. :/

I found the demo to be extremely tense. No doubt that’s in some part due to my interest in, and fear of, zombies. But I had to take breaks between sublevels, I was gripping the controller too hard. I like how hordes can charge you from seemingly anywhere at any time, there’s no safety until the actual end.