Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Can’t be saved if you’re still posting in it though :’(

I mean dude, you have 10 posts in this thread, and none of those posts are actually talking about the game, but rather the ability to play that game on unsanctioned hardware.

That’s because he hasn’t been able to pirate it yet.

Emulating it while not owning the system (let alone the game itself) and believing that’s totally okay is being more than a bit delusional. If people like stusser want to play the game on their PC that’s up to them, but I’ll keep saving up for a Switch.

I’m glad stusser is talking about the emulation progress because it’s fascinating and relevant to the game.

And several people weighed in with “here’s what I think about the ethics of this but make up your own mind” which I also don’t mind.

But it’s probably naive to think that conversation arc could stop there and not turn into people actually advocating for/against and eventually arguing.

If we as a community could refrain from rehashing all the emulation/piracy debates in this thread, I think that’d be great (and stusser didn’t start that part of the conversation), but if that’s unrealistic, then I understand the argument for breaking this out into another thread.

My two cents anyway. I guess I’m just contributing to the same noise around the technical news of the emulation progress that I’m complaining about. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I want to talk about the game… I just can’t play it yet… :)

I have been living vicariously through you guys!

This is incredibly relevant to the discussion. People have shown that they will quite literally pay other people money to enable them to pirate Nintendo games, to a degree never seen with other manufacturers’ hardware - remember, the Cemu guys are bringing in more money on Patreon each month than most other emulation devs ever see for their work, and their numbers exploded once they started showing Breath of the Wild proof-of-concept videos. (A week and a half ago, it was at $23K/month; it’s now just under $36K/month.) I don’t think you’d see nearly the same amount of money coming out if someone started showing proof-of-concept videos for Horizon: Zero Dawn or even Bloodborne running on PC.

They don’t have a sustainable business there; they’re making money because patrons get new versions of the emulator a week before the general public. Once the emulator plays BOTW 100%, their Patreon income will dramatically shrink. Again it’s not a switch emulator, so BOTW is really a special case.

I definitely think you’d see the same level of enthusiasm for other AAA+ console exclusives. People would go crazy to play Horizon ZD on PC.

Also, the piracy arguments run a bit thin. If people are going to pirate BOTW, why wouldn’t they just download a cracked emulator too? Why pay them?

I’d imagine for the same reason DraStic, a $5 DS emulator for Android, has over a million installs through Google Play. Customer service goes a long way.

(And no, we’re not even going to go through this “maybe they’re buying games and then downloading the ROMs!” song-and-dance. We have multiple prominent reviews on the app’s page praising the dev for enabling them to easily play pirated DS games on their phones.)

I don’t buy that explanation, but lets not turn this thread into a piracy discussion. It’s really cool you can play a major console exclusive on PC at far superior quality, and lets leave it there.

Frame-rate improvements across the board on Switch, with no visual sacrifices. No real improvements to the Wii-U version though.

I think we can all agree that the technical possibility of this being a thing is very cool and interesting.

But moving on and back onto the game. I am amazed (now that I’ve beaten the game and no longer fear spoiler tags) how much shit I missed pre final boss. I’ve spent maybe 20-30 hours after beating the game just checking out shit I read about online that I missed. Apparently there is some footwear I’m missing somewhere. And a guardian key that doesn’t exist that I spent almost an hour on. (still bitter)

I’m at the point now, probably 80+ hours in, where I can easily destroy anything but Lynels. Even Guardians. But I’ve still never stepped foot in Hyrule Castle, or even explored the area outside of it. I keep getting sidetracked by shrine quests, sidequests, and other stuff, and somehow every single time I play I discover completely new areas of the map that are really cool, and that I’ve never seen before.

Like, somehow two days ago I realized I never explored the forestey area toward the southern part of the map, and I spent literally hours finding all sorts of cool stuff there.

Then yesterday I climbed some mountains I never noticed before and found a couple of shrines and korok seeds.

Also yesterday I finally found the final Great Fairy Fountain hiding in plain sight in an area I completely overlooked. WTF??

I think I’m finally going to go on to Hyrule Castle tonight though, I’m eager to see what it offers.

I know people want to drop it but it’s completely disingenuous to talk about the emulation of this game and believe in your own head that piracy isn’t the reason people are paying Patreon money to do that.

It’s been obvious for the last ten to fifteen years, about the time of the Gamecube to be honest, that people really want to play Nintendo games but they also don’t want to buy Nintendo hardware to do it. Why that is somehow ok but doesn’t hold true for Microsoft and Sony hardware is completely ridiculous, but also shows just how good Nintendo software is that people will do whatever they can to play it for free if at all possible.

I have no doubt it’s overwhelmingly being used for piracy, just not by all the patrons-- if you’re willing to pirate, why not steal the emulator too?

Because it’ll be free in a week. I think many pay the Patron fee to be first (and justify that because it’s cheaper than buying a Wii U or a Switch or the game) and far more don’t and simply pirate the shit out of the game once the working emulator is given to everyone.

I’m betting the Patrons are also stingy with allowing pirates to get their hands on it early. It’s a NIMBY thing like Trump supporters who vote one way but find out later that he’s going to take their land or their healthcare, etc.

I think the logic on this point involves the lack of third-party games on Nintendo hardware. The perception is that the console is worth far less than they’re charging for it – after all, you could buy a Playstation/Xbox and have access to Final Fantasy AND Call of Duty AND Battlefield AND Mass Effect and so on. So they’re okay with piracy because their perception is that Nintendo is trying to shaft them with underpowered hardware and great exclusives.

I’m sure not everyone feels that way, but that’s how I can connect the logical dots to make sense to me.

Personally though, I can’t haul my PC to my family’s house on holidays or plug it in on a plane, so I think the Switch is a better platform for Zelda.

And to stay on topic, gosh dang I’m having a great time with Zelda. I can’t remember the last game where I was happy to explore for exploration’s sake. I’m maybe 20 hours in, and I’ve only done one Divine Beast.

Heck, I wish there was more demand for Sony emulation. I’m more excited about progress on Demon’s Souls.

The weaker hardware becomes a perfect storm where it’s both easier to emulate and less desirable to play on the original hardware. I definitely wasn’t going to play Xenoblade Chronicles in 480p.

The first suggested video in the right column on the YouTube link I posted earlier had instructions to download the cracked emulator so, umm, not so much.

No honor amongst thieves I suppose?

After the plateau did you guys just go wherever, or did you sorta follow the main quest?