Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past: farewell

The Ice Palace is easily my favorite dungeon. Flocks of man-eating penguins line the walls. When Link enters a room, they run and toboggan toward him, their beaks yawning. At the same time, ice spirits come flailing out of the other walls like stunt men afire. The iced-over floors makes dodging a slippery giddy panic, and at times it looks a little like an episode of Benny Hill.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://www.quartertothree.com/fp/2011/04/27/legend-of-zelda-link-to-the-past-farewell

>Much as I enjoyed this experience, it confirmed for me that I

>Much as I enjoyed this experience, it confirmed for me that I

Hey I just wanted to say that these diaries have been great. Well-written, entertaining, and a great summation of the experience of playing a well-crafted game.

I remember renting Link to the Past when I was a tiny kid. I had no concept of saved games, so I just loaded an existing game that plopped me on top of the ziggurat. I jumped in and a huge pig-man handily destroyed me. As my first Link to the Past experience, it kinda freaked me out.

After all, why would a game start out so difficult and scary?

Thanks very much, Jason.

Marcel: did you keep playing the game, or did that frighten you off for a few years? I remember being similarly freaked out by the Dark World.

Erik: I think my brother and I just smacked each other around in Mortal Kombat instead.