Let's Play Choice of Robots

Alright, with 3 votes for Sarah, 2 for Ada, 2 for Wolverine, 1 for Hypatia, and 1 for Diziet Sma(?), we’ll be going with Sarah.

And your last name is…

[/li][li]!Kwane. The exclamation point is a click.
[/li][li]None of these is my last name. I’ll type it. (same deal as before)

Sorry for these really short updates, guys. We should be almost finished with the background choices, so we can finally start the real game.



Connor is too good to pass up.

Gotta go !Kwane!

I concur!

Yeah, Connor

4 Connor, a Tesla and a !Kwane. Sarah Connor it is!

You look around your apartment. What does it look like?

[li]My Battlebots trohpy is perched on a widescreen TV equipped with the latest video game consoles.
[/li][li]Neatly labeled plastic shelving units sit on a 3D-printer-equipped robot workbench.
[/li][li]Busts of famous philosophers sit next to my own attempts to sculpt them.
[/li][li]My shelves display all of the strange little robotic creatures I’ve made over the years.

Gotta be shelves of mismatched toys #4

3. “He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god,” it reads on my bust of Aristotle.

2. Neatly labeled plastic shelving units sit on a 3D-printer-equipped robot workbench.

It hurts because I like most of these so I’m just evening it out.

I want to know what sort of crazy sculptor dedicates himself to creating replicas of famous philosophers’ noggins that have already been sculpted. Vote: #3.

I will be the one who votes for the video game player (#1).

2 votes for 3, and 1 for each of the others, so we’re going with: Busts of famous philosophers sit next to my own attempts to sculpt them.

24-year-old Sarah Connor

Humanity: 81%
Gender: Female
Fame: Who?
Wealth: Broke
Romance None

Your robot

Autonomy: Nonexistent
Military: In Beta
Empathy: Buggy +
Grace: Buggy

You’re always found people interesting, both in their external appearance and internal thought processes. And you’re getting better as a sculptor, though it will take a few more years until your efforts are ready for public viewing.

It strikes you for a moment that this kind of thinking about how your life affects your robots is second nature to you, though others might find it peculiar. You’ve always been fascinated by how every little detail of your life, from the content of your dreams to the decor of your room, changes the inputs to the robots you create - boosts their Empathy or Autonomy, or Grace, or appeal to the Military. Surely, there are other things going on around you as a result of your decisions, but they don’t immediately strike you in the same way.

Today, your robot is foremost on your mind because you’re about to build its body.

You pick up your laptop and head for the Stanford machine shop.

It is a beautiful spring day in Palo Alto, California, and your apartment is only a short walk from the machine shop. But the streets of Palo Alto are not designed for walking; you find yourself climbing around palm trees and balancing on narrow curbs, as you do every day.

You hear a low roar overhead: glancing up, you see it’s a flying car - a Nimbus. A little over three hundred thousand dollars can buy you a car with wings that fold out, so that it becomes a small sport plane. The red Nimbus looks sleek and sporty; it’s the sort of car its owner takes religiously to the car wash. Though the commercials would have you believe you can fly anywhere you want in those cars, the FAA still requires them to take off and land from airports. Only here in wealthy Silicon Valley do you see them with any frequency. The first time you saw one, you couldn’t quite believe the future had arrived so quickly.

But the second time you saw one, you thought…

[li]I will own one of those one day. I swear it.
[/li][li]If I ever make that much money, I’ll use it to help the world instead of buying that car.
[/li][li]Why aren’t those flying cars driving themselves?

Do I want people flying their cars? Have you seen them drive?

Hell no, we’re taking those keys thankyouverymuch #3

#3. Seriously. Why aren’t they driving themselves?

3. Absolutely.

3. Why aren’t those flying cars driving themselves?

Because of the thing with the everyone else

3.Why aren’t those flying cars driving themselves?

Considered going with 1 just to be contrarian, but meh.

3; I’m all about self-driving cars.