Let's settle the debate. Die Hard.

Bruce Willis was always one of the best actors at bleeding all over the screen.

Gonna cross-post this here a little bit, but because it’s a gaming forum and because it’s pretty awesome and somewhat relevant to the thread: the latest CoD event adds a pretty faithful rendition of Nakatomi tower to downtown Verdansk:

I went in there expecting some half-assed knockoff, but they actually put a lot of love into it and its got a lot of little details like the nakatomi bridge model, or riding on top of elevators, or c4 wired on the roof.

Nakatomi Bridge???

Model of a bridge that was seen when McClane followed Hans and Takagi up to that executive suite. I think it was on the table that John was hiding under, but it was definitely in that room. Hans said something like ‘I always liked to make models when I was a boy’ (although I think that was about a different model).

no it was a different table, in an adjoining room, but ya, that’s the one. I always remembered it fondly, i dunno why:


Aha. In the 90’s I used to bike past “Nakatomi Plaza” on Olympic Blvd every day on the way to work, so that’s what stuck in my mind (it was a Fox building at the time).

“And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.”

… benefits of a classical edication. - Hans “Bubbe” Gruber

I miss Alan Rickman. :(

In the '90s I used to work in Nakatomi Plaza! Well, I was an intern, anyway. Arnold Kopelson Productions, 14th floor. It’s still a Fox building as far as I know; it’s right next to the Fox lot where Avenue of the Stars meets Pico.

Is it true that the building has a doorman, and whenever he lets people in he greets them with ‘Welcome to the party, pal!’ Or did I dream that?

Not sure, but I remember we always had to leave in the evening before the roof exploded.

Yeah I was bike commuting from Westwood/West LA to Beverly Hills where I was paying my way through college waiting tables/bartending at the BH Islands (also picked up some shifts at the Pico location too!)

Does he give you donuts too?

I used to go to the Islands on Pico a lot. Was kind of the go-to hangout for my friends and I circa… I guess late '90s, early '00s. Not even sure anymore.

It is true and he lost 50 bucks on them assholes (USC) but lets you go look around anyway.

Since I haven’t see this here, here is the definitive, objective, unassailable categorization and ranking of Christmas movies:

I won’t spoil the final score, but Die Hard does rank higher than It’s a Wonderful Life, Gremlins, A Christmas Story, and Frosty the Snowman in its objectively measured Christmas ranking.

I agree with 3 of those.

But anyone denying the greatness of A Christmas Story is objectively wrong.

A Christmas Story is fine. It was funny the first 10 times I saw it. Now I find it simply overrated and actively avoid it on Christmas day when it’s running back to back on whatever channel.

In comparison, I can watch Die Hard any time I run across it on TV, and I have to have seen it 30 or 40 times by now.

I thought it was a fun walkthrough and liked both his scoring and also the side scoring of the surprising number of dead people in Christmas movies.

When he got to the top movies I feel like it was more subjective than some of the lower ones. And I think that was mostly due to the all-in-one points given for the bottom of the score sheet.

One of the scores I agree with most is, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” I remember when I was young the first time my parents made me sit and watch it as a Christmas movie. And I remember afterward thinking … but … it’s not? For all the people that poke holes in Die Hard not being a Christmas movie I feel like the miss is that movies like It’s a Wonderful Life exist and don’t really meet a lot of the criteria we use when we say it’s about Christmas.

I would add an additional score sheet item but it would be even more subjective and that’s how much a movie makes us reminisce of things we’ve had happen at Christmas.

Maybe we can all agree that Die Hard is Christmas adjacent? OK probably not, but I’ll buy it at least.

If enough people think Die Hard is a Christmas movie, then it doesn’t matter what anyone says to the contrary.