Liberals also say and do stupid shit

Are you @John_Many_Jars alt account?

I do find out interesting how many colloquiallisms have stuck from the initial rise of mass media in the US, and WW2. Era

Are we still allowed to say the database servers went tits up?

(ETA stupid auto-correct)

Are you just throwing that out there, or is it a knowing commentary? Not being aggressive or a dick, but most of those phrases, to me, seem to predate WWII and come from far in the past.

More that if they were ‘popular’ at the time (which certainly means they can be older), that it was the changes in mass media which set them in stone and normalized them - other things like “taking flak” are direct WW 2 references. Baseball, Horse Racing and Boxing (as well as Track (Track and Boxing are well represented there) were the huge sports, and the way they were conveyed on radio also created a LOT of these types of references which people adopted.

While likely, they also probably persisted within the military from those times.

Then we drafted nearly every one and the came home and started using phrases they used while overseas.

Some are just obvious carry overs from frontier life to me. Lots of sport references as well.

Did you make those up?

Nah, just did a search on Urban Dictionary.

Progressives are clearly tired of running California, ready to turn it back over to Republicans.

Well this seems quite workable.

. The committee hasn’t done an analysis of the cost of the proposals, but critics have slammed the plan as financially and politically impossible. An estimate from Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, which leans conservative, has said it would cost each non-Black family in the city at least $600,000

And it seems well designed to not cause any confusion or acrimony.

An estimated 50,000 Black people currently live in San Francisco, but it is not clear how many of them would be eligible for financial reparations. The recommendations lay out a number of possible criteria, such as living in San Francisco during a certain time period and descending from someone.

The SF city council has always been, um, entertaining. Haven’t followed things much since I moved out, but I’m guessing the more extreme proposals from the study don’t have much of a chance of being enacted.

But thanks guys for giving Fox news lots to talk about. My mother in law still lives in the city and like many elderly people for some reason has Fox News on 24/7. I’m sure I’ll soon have to be explaining that the city isn’t going to be evicting her to put a black family in her home.

Reparations would be a mess and opening a Pandora’s box.

The committee hasn’t done an analysis of the cost of the proposals


I think that reparations, as a whole, are a great idea. But the SF proposal is just bonkers in scope. Reparations need to happen if the wealth-gap for African American families is ever to close. But the 5 million number is like a “damages” number in a lawsuit. It is what would be fair for the hundreds of years of slavery, abuse, segregation etc. But it isn’t what can possibly be given out, without significantly impacting others in a negative way, which would just cause more racial tensions.

Some easy win programs, Black families getting rent assistance, assistance in purchasing homes, debt relief, grants etc make sense, and have been implemented in other communities.

But, beyond all of the bluster of those headlines, the “proposal” is just that, it isn’t actually an action plan on how to implement reparations, just a proposal to consider.

Well, ultimately this is exactly what most reparations proposals are suggesting.

The problem is though, we have a mechanism by which people can receive damages for being wronged. It’s called the legal system. No one is entitled to damages unless they are able to prove it in court.

Why would this be any different from any other case of damages?

Well, this isn’t a lawsuit, and receiving damages for being wronged is not something that requires a lawsuit, if the government votes to provide aid. I was just using that as an example, as often damages in a lawsuit are claimed and make headlines, and then come down to a much smaller number as the court case proceeds, and the judge makes their ruling. Much like how this 5 million number will not be what the final program looks like.

Pretty easy to prove damages in this case, the amount will be difficult to put a dollar amount on, as it is dealing with generational abuse, but the data is very clear that economically black families in America have been held back financially, and continue to be held back in home ownership, college graduation, etc. Honestly, slavery isn’t even the biggest historical problem with the economic crisis for African American families, it really is all of the post emancipation economic policies that have systemically held back this race of people for decades. These are things that reparations programs should focus on. The 5 million number is just something to grab headlines and get people talking. The CA state republican representative they quote in that article says the number is not serious, but jokes that San Fransisco is where it could actually happen (because ha liberals!)

The real program will look a lot more like what other cities have proposed, and some have actually done. Which is assist in home down-payment, rent payment, debt easement, education assistance etc.

Personally, I would love to see some sort of program to allow any African American citizen get free tuition to college, if they can meet admissions standards, including financial assistance for housing etc. Couple that with home-ownership programs, would do a lot to help reverse the centuries of economic repression.

Well sure, like I said, we have a legal system that can determine these kinds of things. You can prove damage, liability, and the amount.

It seems like there’s some desire to avoid the complexities of such a calculus, and just handwave it away, and just give some stuff out… but I don’t think that’s really going to do anything at all to solve the issue, and is very likely to have unintended negative consequences.

Look at Timex pretending he doesn’t understand the issue so he can try to convince us that suing slave owners from 300 years ago is the right solution here.

I’m not a big fan of reparations, but your argument against them might talk me into it.

I think in this case, you would be suing the government.

The justice system has screwed over enough Black people that they’re sure to see the error of their ways and get it right this time!