Light No Fire - Exploring a 60s-fantasy-cover themed single planet from Hello Games

The new Hello Game 5 years in the making, Light No Fire.

Looks very NMS, but fantasy survival sandbox and set on a single Earth-sized planet.

Steam Page

About This Game

Light No Fire is a game about adventure, building, survival and exploration together. Set on a fantasy planet the size of Earth, it brings the depth of a role playing game to the freedom of a survival sandbox.

A Multiplayer Earth

Carve a life together. Meet players from across the globe, build a life, explore and survive together. Construct persistent buildings and communities, or strike out alone to discover the world for others.

A Procedural Earth

A truly open world, with no boundaries at a scale never attempted before. A massively varied and dense planet filled with immersive biomes, unique enemies and valuable resources to discover.

A Fantasy Earth

Light No Fire presents you with an ancient earth to uncover. One where you’re not the hero. Thick with lore, mystery and a constant fight for survival. Inspired by the adventure, charm and imagination that we love from classic fantasy.

An Unexplored Earth

Every mountain can be climbed, and below them lie endless vistas, oceans and continents perhaps no others have seen. Who will climb the tallest mountains, who will find the deepest sea? Set sail across vast oceans and rivers, ride wild beasts through fantastical landscapes, fly dragons over undiscovered landscapes.

Looks sweet.


I’ve always wanted to play a game with a single, massive planet. I wonder how travel will work? Wouldn’t it be interesting if long-distance travel was truly difficult?

You know…I haven’t played NMS since the very beginning, when it could barely be called a game. I see that it is steam deck verified…

I’m also wondering how instances will work. Will other players appear as ghosts? Will they be able to interact with (read: destroy) things you build?

I must be the only one who wishes they’d go back to Joe Danger style games.

1 planet is the way to go, so tired of procedural worlds that feel bland.

I mean, this is going to be one world with most of it built procedurally so I’m not sure you’ll get away from the bland.

yeah , but I meant more along the lines of the entire planet being one biome, which I hate. ;)

Oh, I get you! I wish they had moved away from that during post-release NMS development, but I guess it just kind of made sense with the way the game was set up with infinite worlds. Not worth the time varying biomes on planets much.

Eventually each planet in No Man’s Sky will be a Light No Fire world.

I don’t like the one scene they have in the trailer in the pouring rain, the player is holding up a torch. It’s as if they’re showing off the fact that the rain doesn’t interact with the torch. Non interacting systems! Booooo! How is this acceptable in a post-Breath-of-the-Wild-world?

Whaaaaa? Where did you read that?

Just joking, kinda. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s Hello Game’s follow up game to Light No Fire.

Substantially more curious/interested if there’s a non-multiplayer/well-populated way to play this with actual goals/story, but I recognize that might be the exact opposite of the devs’ goals with this one, hah.

Well that’s the interesting thing, isn’t it? Assuming you will start out in a hub of some kind, building up the ability to get the heck away from other players would be a tremendous goal.

Heh. Yeah, just like human tribes on Earth, I guess eventually we’ll run out of space to move away. I don’t know why that tickles me so much.

How is it acceptable to have torches in a game called Light No Fire?

Come on baby light no fire?

I feel someone missed an obvious “No Man’s Land” pun here.

Well. judging from the trailer, this is based on the NMS engine, with several thing rejiggered and resnaggled - the flying mounts most certainly use spaceship code, even the “starting sequence” looks similar.

I feel a lot of the improvements made to NMS over the last years are tied to the developmen of Light No Fire - flying mounts being able to hover is a given, a more robust building system consisting of wall, floor and roof parts instead of premades, much improved combat mechanics etc.

Well. I love No Man’s Sky. I also love fantasy and exploration. So yes, I’m in, Sean Murray you magnificent bastard! Inject this shit right into my veins!!!

In regards to how coop works:
The latest iteration of NMS has a 32 person/hub (system or anomaly instance) limit, with group sizes of up to four people in a team. Bases (and as such, player buildings) are visible to all, but the builder can sort who can change stuff - only themselves, friends, or everyone. Same goes for PVP settings, you can’t kill another player who disabled PVP, and the multiplayer itself is optional - a flick of an option removes everyone from your universe.

Personally, I think the areas that are iffy are combat (we’re meleeing now and shooting projectiles) and the general inventory stuff - NMS regularly has you stockpiling freighters worth of stuff, and I think the new game could do with a bit less logistics and more face smashing.

Procedural dungeon code already exists in the form of derelics, so I assume there’ll be plenty of places to loot.