Limit Theory - a dedicated thread

After Elite: Dangerous, I’m going to take a wait-and-see approach on any beautiful-looking space sims until I’m convinced the gameplay matches the look and feel.

Well unless you backed Limit Theory, you’re going to have to do that anyway! But yeah i get you.

You are not the only one disappointed with ED by all accounts. For my money, i’m waiting on the Planetary Landings expansion, as in it’s current (very good looking but not really ready for Prime Time) state i get a better ‘Elite’ experience out of FFED3D+AndyJ mod.

I don’t understand why they want planetary landings, its just a gimmick and there is enough real estate out there, what it need is more carrot at the end of the explore stick, not to mention more stuff happening in general. At the moment its not very dangerous out in space…

Because Frontier had planetary landings and it was AWESOME in 1993, plus that gives us options for more bases and the like, plus planetary exploration.

Yeah, more stuff. ED badly needs more stuff, especially in it’s current bare bones framework of PvP shootiness. I need more than that from Elite personally, i need atleast the game features that were in Frontier and FFE, otherwise it’s a step backwards in terms of gameplay and ‘fun’ in my book.

If you never played the previous two Elite games, i can understand you not getting why planetary landings were so cool. I can still hear the sound of the winds of Merlin, and see those pink/purple skies in my minds eye whenever i think back to when i first started playing Frontier on my Amiga. It was that AWESOME (as Brian rightly put it).

Granted what David has planned for them in ED sounds way more than what we got back in 1993, and you would hope so. I really hope the content is as well realised as the ship shoot-at-stuff currently is, and if so it will (potentially) open up lots of interesting gameplay.

Hmm. Josh has ‘disappeared’ it seems? Hope he is ok!

edit: It is not as bad as i thought, he posted just over a week ago, and he gave reasons for his lack of comment, it’s all probably ok :)

I miss the daily updates but I’m glad he’s just decided to stop all the media stuff and work on the game. He’s one guy who is designing, programming, testing, producing etc everything. PR is the last thing he should focus on until he has a game to do PR about.

Noticed this project has become silent, and he was the one wanting to give us shorter but more frequent updates, ohwell, I got patience.

The good news he has not disappeared, one guy got his alpha reactivated by Josh after he posted his issue on the forum a few days ago, so it seems he is checking the forums still. The bad news is we don’t know when he will actually reappear and why this sudden cold turkey treatment on his forums.

That’s perfectly sensible. That being said, it’s also perfectly sensible to make a post and give a heads up to the community before going dark.

I’m starting to worry about this project now, I think its gone belly up :)

Yeah, the guys apparently disappeared and has been gone now for how many weeks?

Well - at least the playable alpha is available for backers…

That’s too bad. Was really looking forward to this. I was not a backer (did not hear about it until it was too late), and now glad I wasn’t.

Yeah, hopefully it’s not another Cube World. I hope the guy is okay, because otherwise it’s really, really, shitty to just disappear on your fanbase without a word. Especially when your fanbase has given you money. If someone is going to stop working on a game they’ve taken money for, the least they can do is write a post explaining development has stopped before disappearing from the internet forever.

The developer seemed very… obsessive… at times, in his updates. When channeled well that can sometimes lead to great things, but that’s one of the reasons I worry about his health. Hopefully he’s alright, and some major personal problem isn’t the reason for his radio silence.

I find it hard to believe that anyone can go silent these days. Isn’t someone on the forums Facebook friends with his mom or something?

Well, he was last seen on his own forum on March 9th:

So he’s likely alive at least, but weirdly, according to his own forum his last post was January 31st:

Very weird.

Oh hahah, okay, I’m actually friends with him on Facebook, and the last three posts are all about how much he loves his girlfriend.

Well then…

Okay, good. So he’s just being a dick to his customers, then. Unless those weren’t recent posts, that is?

He’s had three facebook posts over the last three months, all of them were basically that. One in march, one in feb, one in jan I believe.