List of grest Pc games from last t years

Divine Divinity, so much to explore there, and so many fun ‘scenes’ they have implemented in the game, bet they had a lot of fun writing it all.

"Four short fellas with hairy feet sold me this magic ring… "

I’d just like to throw in my agreement that BG2 was a very fun RPG.

Also, I just played Star Control II: The Ur-Quan Masters for the first time, and that game is INCREDIBLE.

I’m glad you’re enjoying it :) Never met anyone who tried it and didn’t, other than graphics whores.

I still have MOO and MOO2 and play them on a regular basis. I actually play MOO more, not totally sure why, maybe because it’s a little quicker to finish a game (if you haven’t checked it out, it’s pretty easy to find a copy and an image of the ships for the old copy protection question on abandonware sites). I was actually going through some old CDs today looking for something and I ran across my MOO3 disks, I threw them out. Worst preorder decision ever.

As everyone on this form will tell you GCII is a great 4x space game and I’d agree, but its not a real successor to MOO since many of it’s mechanics are significantly different.

I’d so love to see someone take the simple mechanics of MOO (the sliders for planetary production, combat around stars only, etc. ) and really tune up the gameplay. One thing that simtex sucked hard at was tuning gameplay. They made great games, but ones with horrible balance and lame AI. What makes games like Civ4 great is the fact that all the wonderful features and mechanics that work well together and are refined and balanced. MOO3 tried for tons of cool features, but totally failed to get them working well in a cohesive and balanced package.

It’s only the best, most faithful AD&D RPG ever made.

Most faithful? No. The Temple of Elemental Evil is, hands down, the most faithful D&D game to date. Nearly every rule is left unchanged from the pnp game. The manual has a small section dedicated to showing what they did change, and it wasn’t a whole lot. Bioware has always made signifcant changes to support their real-time combat system. Also they always omitted stuff like a teleportation spell, crafting, etc… (IIRC crafting finally showed up in one of the NWN expansions)

But it’s not an AD&D game. Bill wins on a nerd technicality.

Although personally, I preferred Planescape: Torment to Baldur’s Gate 2.

It blew me away throughout the game, and just when I thought it was done impressing me, as the credits drew to a close, they give me that one final line: “Be seeing you.” Seeing that reference in things always makes me happy.

to resurrect a thread, i’ll chime in and say i loved the hell out of anachronox, bugs and all. that game had so much heart.

How does the original system shock hold up?

Also, I have anachronox, but haven’t tried it. Was it patched to get rid of some of those bugs?

Is this a northern thing???

It’s a Simpsons thing.

  • Alan

Damn good. I played it for the first time this year. Even made a thread about it. (beware the spoilers)