Little Indie Games Worth Knowing About (Probably)

You know how I manage to resist buying early access titles these days? By getting old. At this point I’m not interested in investing in a game I may not live to see finished.

Alternatively, you might want to experience a game that won’t be finished before you shuffle off this mortal coil!

I agree with Kristi. This game has a special … something going on. Very cool concept and execution. Can’t wait for more content =)

Something about the gameplay I’ve seen for wildermyth didn’t grab me, but it was all very early (First hour). The concept seemed cool

I have already played Dwarf Fortress.

F2P early access 4X TBS card game. Requires a 3rd party account. Rules are on their wiki.

I like exactly half of those things!


I figured it out!

Yea, it gets repetitive after a bit. But that’s the same for most games =).
It’s a great start. I hope they can improve it. Looks like a hit in the making,

Not to mention that it appears to be multi-player only. Pfui.

Anyone play this Time Warpers thing? It looks neat.

I refuse to play clickers because I fall for them every goddamn time. No more clickers, I tell you! None!

Well, after this one. I’m just gonna try it real quick, but not actually play it.



I look forward to your report with dispatch, sir.

I’d recognize that cookie clicker screenshot anywhere! :)

I generally avoid early access games as I’ve felt disappointed by each one I’ve ever bought, but I think I’m going to try this one out anyway. It looks great and the mod support could lead to some interesting things in the future.

I bought this snd the 2DLCs last week, finished a first tun through today. I like the ideas and mechanics, and that it doesn’t take as long as Dsrkest Dungron. But I’m not sure if I’ll pjj ok at it again as it’s not well balanced, the second half of the game had too many too easy fights which rss as ke too much mouse pin out ( no hot keys though gear are on a wishlist.

From the developers of Desktop Dungeons. There’s an older version of this in the Humble Monthly Trove, but they say that build won’t get updated.

The blurb made me laugh. You’re welcome.

Islanders is interesting, and by interesting i mean fun. But not the kind of endorphin driven fun of shooters or OCD fun of strategy games, but more like a sort of downtempo nice and pure at heart. I feel that i’d drop it into the same sorting box as Sudoku or something.

Much of the appeal is that the Islands are fairly interesting and limiting, so the puzzle aspect really comes to the fore in most of the maps, somethjing i didn’t expect from the first level. At first Islanders seems a bit superfluous, like you’re just building little island towns that are more or less whatever you want them to be, sort of a walking-sim city builder, but actually you’re trying to maximize your score and buiildings have chains and positive and negative score effects when adjacent or near certain other buildings or terrain features. It also has a very clean aesthetic design that’s pleasing to watch.

Or maybe to put it another way, i’m pretty sure i’d pick a quick game of Islanders over Bad North in most cases.