Occasional livestreaming [was Live streaming on YouTube and Twitch every Mon, Wed, and Fri at 6pm Pacific!]

What sort of archnemesis would I be without some taunting?

Honestly, you might be better at the game than me. I’ve got maxed out Main Cannons and Magnet. It looked like most of my other components are further upgraded as well. My high score was gained through lots of high-star runs on Insane levels trying to maximize my points. I really wanted to catch up with krayzkrok.

I finally cleared that Boss Battle and cleared the level after on the first go. Only one more linked level to go, and then I can see how to unlock the bonus levels.

Skyforce Reloaded? What? (Starts watching the stream).

It’s Mad Max Friday!

You can find the Twitch stream here.

You can find the non-night mode YouTube stream here.

And you can find the YouTube night mode stream here.

Voting for Request Wednesday is now open so if you’d like Tom to stream a game that’s on Steam or that he owns on PS4, why not stop by and vote for what game Tom will stream on Wednesday.

It’s Monday and tonight Tom is streaming Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Steam link

You can find the Twitch stream here.

You can find the non-night mode YouTube stream here.

And you can find the YouTube night mode stream here.

The draw for Request Wednesday will be held tonight at 7:00 pm Pacific so why not stop by before that and vote for what game Tom will stream on Wednesday.

Happy Request Wednesday! Tonight Tom is streaming Megaquarium - Steam link

You can find the Twitch stream here.

You can find the non-night mode YouTube stream here.

And you can find the YouTube night mode stream here.

Megaquarium was a Request Wednesday winner. If you have a game that is on Steam or that Tom owns on the PS4 that you would like him to stream, you can leave a vote in the comments section of one of the videos he’s posted on YouTube or stop by the Monday or Friday stream and submit your vote in the chat.

I’m seriously bummed that you can’t have bigger fish and mammals. I guess that stuff is outside the scope of what the dev wanted to do, but it was pretty disappointing to look at the spread of fish and see it doesn’t get any more exotic than an octopus. Not including dolphins and orcas and sharks is like making Zoo Tycoon without lions and elephants and giraffes. Uninstalled. :(


Next Week’s Game:

Caulkmaster II: Leakproof!

It wasn’t that bad. There was a shark mentioned in there.

Dude, I’d play that! Can I get a shotgun in this update?

Oh, shoot, I meant to go on a brief tear about the whole anti-Sea World – and by association anti-zoo – movement. My feeling is that whatever supposed suffering is inflicted on an animal is more than made up for by giving the public the opportunity to have a direct experience with that animal. Sea World and zoos build the kind of empathy that make people care enough to support environmentally responsible policies. I also believe there are humane ways to keep animals in aquariums and zoos, and people who go all-out anti-zoo don’t seem to appreciate the difference between a tiger in a cage and a tiger in an open setting tailored to its habitat. People don’t seem to appreciate the difference between a circus elephant prodded into doing tricks and a zoo elephant left alone to just do whatever elephants feel like doing. A movie like Black Fish makes people go all in with a hardcore “animals need to be free” agenda, and it’s nonsense.

Okay, back to grousing about the lack of anything mega in Megaquarium.


Good points, Tom.

(And I hasten to add, not “good points™” meant sarcastically)

Also if an alien species shows up over the Earth, wanting to commune with the whales, we hopefully have some on hand at the aquarium, even if we’ve wrecked the oceans of the future.

What if people from the future return and need those whales to talk to Nomad V’ger Aliens? Will you let them just up and take them based on hearsay?

Will you trust them if one is Russian?

Exactly. Sea World was a net positive, and I think it was mistake for them to throw in the towel in terms of breeding and keeping killer whales.


I agree, and this is a point that needs to be made loudly and passionately or we’re going to lose a whole lot of large animal species in the not-so-distant future (and we’re losing too many as it is).

Sea World is a grayer area than zoos, in that it’s a for-profit enterprise, there’s the whole “show” aspect, and there’s some reason to think they weren’t doing a very good job of providing healthy environments for their larger animals. That said, I still suspect they were a net positive, and zoos aren’t even a question.

Sea World is the only thing in question, right? I’ve never heard of any anti-zoo documentaries or anti-zoo movement.

There’s an anti-zoo movement among the “PETA/ALF” type animal rights folks, but it’s not nearly as widespread or popular as the anti-Sea-World thing. Hopefully it stays that way.

Edit: Too slow, I see, but Navaronegun has made the point better than I can. :)

I was going to equivocate in my post, thinking “if I don’t add something like, ‘if any such movement exists it’s got to be insignificantly fringe’, then I’m going to get a bunch of examples of them”. But I didn’t have time to type that.

Thanks for the links though @Navaronegun, that Guardian op-ed actually does make some decent points, though it’s not really part of a movement, just a guy pointing out some negatives about some (but not all) zoos.

I think that op-ed writer needs to see the 60 minutes show they had last season about zoos, which had 3 different stories about zoos that were quite detailed about the problems, as well as the positives, including the amount of effort they go through to breed genetic differences among animals that rotate between the zoos so that offspring are not in-bred.

Oh I agree. I think they aren’t exactly “mainstream anti” nor are they “fringe”. Somewhere in between. In either case I think they are ludicrous/wrong. PETA isn’t fringe. ALF is.