Looking for a good single-character RPG

What about it? It even has filters! Very easy to navigate.

I have to second the Mars: War Logs and Technomancer suggestions. Both games are from the same developer, they’re somewhat low budget but with lots of heart.

South Park Stick of Truth but it doesn’t fit many of your categories. It doesn’t look like you’ve played them yet (but own them) so I’ll suggest the Geneforge series.

I am also interested. Bonus points if they run on a mac as well.

How about The Quest, which must be on all platforms by now. It’s supposed to be great.

There always Brogue…

Anyone played this?

I’ve tried to get into that one 3 times now, but it doesn’t grab me. It’s a slow start for sure, and I don’t think “mage” is an option.

Seconding Game of Thrones by Cyanide, fantastic GoT story in a subpar game, but completely worth playing for the narrative.

Mars War Logs I own and played for few hours, but it never grabbed me. The environments were so dull.

How about Skyrim? Or is that too mainstream? I think it’s done well, or so I’ve heard.

Seriously, though, have you tried something like Path of Exile, or an MMO? There haven’t been many decent RPGs lately, aside from the obvious AAA titles, so I usually go to PoE or TESO, or WOW to get my fill of that style of game play. Certainly many “mage” options in them.


The Secret World or that relatively new mod for Skyrim (Enderal?)

The reason I say no mainstream is because I will most likely already own it and have played it. For example, Skyrim: I have 674 hours logged.

I was looking for a RPG, not an ARPG. Although I have played PoE, WoW and many other MMOs. I am done with MMOs.

Anyway, you people really like technomancer? Its reviews are terrible. I may bite if I get enough people saying its good. Ill buy “The Quest” for sure.

As for Balrum, I have been playing that ( was playing it today). It definitely has some serious problems. I am going to write a review for it. It will not be good. There are a lot of problems with it.

As far as Eschalon, I have played some of that. I thought it was very “meh”.

Does NEO Scavenger fit he bill here? I haven’t played it but it came to mind.

I think it does. Great pick, BTW. Very unique RPG-ish game for sure.



Try the Enderal total conversion for Skyrim. It’s gotten a lot of buzz and just had an expansion pack released.

Chronicon, which is probably more of an action rpg, is really, really good, and had a massive update last night.

I cannot recommend it enough!


It’s more of a roguelike. Great game but all the micromanagement can get a little tedious.

Caves of Qud
Tales of Maj’eyal

Thanks for the many suggestions. I bought the quest and the technomancer. I put some of the EA games on my wish list ( I really want to avoid buying EA games).

I already played enderal. Ill play it again at some point after it has more time in the oven. It had a few bugs Id like to see resolved and other minor issues. I looked at Neo Scavenger, but decided its not for me after watching a lets play of it.