Lottery Ticket Pranks

So lately, I’ve been watching stupid TV. A lot of these prank shows have at least one where a person scratches off a ticket that is worth 10, 15 or 20 thousand dollars.

The wife and I both believe that this is way too much for a simple prank. As an example, I have $14,000 in student loans still to be paid off. If I was given one of these fake tickets I would have a minor heart attack thinking that I might be able to pay it off.

Would you ever use one of these kind of fake tickets to prank a friend?

Please explain.

I agree that it is a horrible thing to do to anyone, and I hate all prank shows, so no, I would never do something like that. But, I am someone who tends to see most pranks, no matter how “harmless” people claim them to be, are really just terribly mean, so maybe I’m not a great judge.

I don’t know. I saw a show, years ago, where Dick Clark had some celebrity’s wife drag the dude to a mattress store to shop for a new bed. They’re there for a while when he notices his wife rip the tag off a mattress. He’s like “what the hell are you doing?” And she says “these tags are a complete scam, I always take them off.” She then opens her purse, which is just stuffed with mattress tags. Wait a beat. Then the “manager” walks over and says “we just saw you remove that tag and by federal law we can’t sell the mattress after the tag is removed and the mattresses run $3,000 a piece.”

Now that, was a prank.

Okay, Ed. But if you got a scratch ticket that showed you that you just won $20,000. Would you be really happy?

And then you found out it was a joke.

How would you feel?

I was just shown a clip from some Japanese prank show, where the victim was actually pranked into believing he was experiencing a bloody shoot-out in the middle of some TV interview. He was the only “survivor”, of course. He was crawling around on the floor completely panicked.

Talk about going too far.

You haven’t won the lottery till you have the cash in hand, or your account shows the check deposit credited in your account. If you go crazy spending or celebrating before then that’s on you.

So yeah, I’d use one to prank a friend.

Incredibly Depressing Mega Millions Lottery Simulator!

It is really hard to win the Mega Millions lottery. So hard that it can be difficult to comprehend what long odds confront its players.

Why not try for free on this Mega Millions lottery simulator? You’ll be able to try the same numbers over and over, simulating playing twice a week for a year or 10. You’ll never win.

I remember some podcast, maybe it was Tested, where the guy gave his family fake tickets like this for Christmas stocking stuffers. They did lottery tickets each year with the agreement that any big winners would be split.

When he gave them the fake ones at least one of his in laws tried to slyly pocket one.

That’s a bit facetious isn’t it? The way you know that you have a winning ticket is right there when you scratch it off. No?

I’m talking about people who are excited when they first see it. Get it now?

I think it’s mean to give someone great news, like winning the lottery, and then tell them it isn’t true. It leaves them feeling hurt and disappointed.

To make people feel better I prefer to prank them by giving them really bad news, like thier mother has cancer, that I am going to stab them in the face with this pickaxe (this is a fun one to play on strangers), or that messy roadkill I scraped up and deposited in front of their house is their beloved pet. Then I tell them it isn’t true. We laugh and everyone feels better. It is an uplifting experience instead of being disappointing and rarely leads to me being arrested/pepper sprayed or disowned.

Yeah, I feel like the whole “You’re a millionaire and all your fiscal problems are solved!–NOT!!” prank lies somewhere between “Your dog is dead–NOT!!” and “Your cancer is cured and is never coming back–NOT!!” in terms of shittiness. Depends on the person and your relationship with them, tbh.

I don’t find the mean-spirited pranks funny, so no, I wouldn’t use the fake lottery ticket as a joke.

I do find the pranks that make someone think they’ve somehow screwed up to be funny. For example, I saw one in which the pranker (a woman) would run up to the mark (a guy) and ask them to watch their illegally parked car while they ran into the nearby store. “Just a couple of minutes, man. I’ll be right back, ya know? Just keep the meter maid off my car, okay?” The chivalrous guy would step up and tell the damsel that he’d help out.

Cut to a couple of minutes later and a “cop” would show up and ask the mark if this was their car. After the fumbling denial, the cop would wave over the tow truck. The tow truck would then back into the car and run over the hood, completely flattening the front of the car. The fake cop and the fake tow truck driver would nervously decide to skedaddle, leaving the mark standing next to a ruined car.

Of course, that’s when the original pranker would come out of the store and burst into tears over her wrecked car.

I found that one pretty funny.

I come from the family of very mean April Fools pranks. One time they tried to prank me that “everyone but you just died in a horrible car accident”. Even hired fake officer to come to the front door. Thankfully actor wasn’t any good and I have seen through it. Then they fell for the counter-prank that I bought all-paid VIP trip to Vegas after hearing the news. I even printed fake tickets and packed the bags and was waiting by the front door for them to show up wearing Hawaiian shirt.


With that said, I find jokes in these thread funny. Especially one with a shoot-out.

I have read several instances of police using “lottery” winnings to attract law breakers into a room where they can be busted. Parole violaters mostly I think but also people with outstanding warrants. So if you have a warrant out for your arrest and receive a notice that you have won something and can pick it up Sunday at the Ramada in meeting room, maybe you should think twice.

In a prank show on Swedish television they actually managed to fool a celebrity that he had been part of a successful time-travel experiment. I believe the majority of the prank took place on an airplane and when they landed in the “future” they had a staged press conference and everything at the airport. I think he totally fell for it. Now that’s a prank.

Your absolutely right, the lottery “joke” is just disguised sadism. But I do love to see minor celebrities screwed over by their friends, so some of the prank shows are a guilty pleasure.

No, I’m pretty sure that’s the plot to Southland Tales if you add a flying car and every B-list comedian to ever get a season on SNL.

That’s incredible that they know what the winning numbers will be for the next 10 years.

A lottery ticket is just a piece of paper, literally just a piece of paper. There is nothing to get excited about until you collect.

So if someone gets a prank winning lottery ticket, then gets to thinking about all the bills they will pay off and so on, that’s the definition of counting your chickens before they are hatched. That’s what makes that prank funny in the first place, using a person’s tendencies against them. It’s the Aikido of humor.

What if someone gave you a prank winning ticket, you write your name on back of it, pocket it and tell them you’ll cash it in first thing in the morning…and you don’t even so much as smile? That’s the way to counter that prank, not by whining about how cruel the prank is.

What I am amazed at that anyone would pull such a cruel and mean-spirited trick and that they would expect to still have their teeth! I mean, you get that mean and someone is going to eventually punch your lights out.

The time-travel one is at least creative and not simply mean-spirited, but shoot out where people appear to die? Suppose the guy has a heart attack? Honestly, those people should be sued for a fortune or put in jail.