Lurker thread

Wait, I don’t? D:

Whatever happened to LK?

That’s what I said earlier in the thread! Also, it’s not even “for some reason”, most of us refered to Lizard King as “LK”, so that’s kind of who he is. As far as what happened to him, believe he’s over at BF.

Ah, okay, that makes sense. Thanks!

Hey! I will bump this one time – we have had a lot of good people chime in as lurkers come out!

Super sweet people here (even PM and his grognards) so come over!

Tom’s stream tonight may not have … well I shouldn’t say. I will say it was very colorful!

Lurkers think about joining the stream nights. After a long day in the mines it’s fun to watch Tom play a strange game and die … I mean … kill stuff.

Monday Weds Friday at 9est.

Tonight was interesting in that the game he streamed was …. well, you can catch it on YouTube by the link on the main page.

Lurkers are the best!

Don’t be afraid to unburrow <3

I remember playing Brood War online as a kid and thinking lurkers were 100% unequivocal bullshit.

For people interested, we are always looking for people to play vintage RTS games on our discord (by vintage I mean games that will actually run on my computer).

Plus, in the past we have set up tournaments, which we might do again.

A reminder: Lurking is great! But joining in voicing your opinions is sublime!

Unless you think Civ VI is the best Civ.

In which case voicing your opinion is entirely transcendent.

(AP nice to see you! Sevier county seems to be doing ok!)

Kerstin is Civ VI the best? I dunno I stopped playing that series at 4 --uh --oh sry “IV”

I mean it is improved right?

That is the worst butchering of my forum handle I’ve ever seen.

As for Civ, Civ V gives me the most enjoyment currently, but I think Alpha Centauri is the best game. Most grognards seem to like Civ IV the best, but I’m not a fan of games that rely on stacks-of-doom, except for Warlords III: Darklords Rising.

I thought it was cute, although it did take me a few seconds to figure it out. :)

I like to give my free monthly Twitch Prime subscriptions to various streamers just to hear how horribly they pronounce kerzain. 99% of the time they say blurt out something like “Thanks karrazzinn.” But I don’t really hold it against anybody.

I never did get @tomchick to say it though because he pays more attention to the Youtube feed and misses the subs. So, there, he just gets to say my real name (when replying to my astute observations), which is much easier to pronounce.

lol actually it wasn’t intentional --but you took it so well I am almost sry it wasn’t!

Hey there, Kristi! I admit I’m not the biggest fan of this place, but the first thing I did when I got back was eat at Krystal, so I’ve declared a truce with Dollyville :-)

Austin Powers? Associated Press? Apple Pie?
