Magic: The Gathering Arena - Another MtG video game

Did my first Streets draft, got to 7 wins but it was close. 2 of the wins could easily have gone either way. Didn’t get to use 3 of my first 4 picks, all of which were BR with a sac theme, because someone else was taking damn near every BR card from that point on. But that fourth card was a Jewel Thief, and I got another one later, and those were allstars. Opened Rabble Rousing pack 2, and it won two games basically by itself.

Nice showing! Rabble Rousing looks great in limited.

I looked back at how Magic Online works. I guess the key thing I only hazily recalled was that booster packs as prizes could be kept for future entry fees, or traded for entry tickets. I miss the fungibility of booster packs, but my average entry cost looks like it will be lower in MTG Arena. I’m going to give one of the limited events a try this weekend.

Arena is deeply infected by monetization consultants unfortunately.

I’ve been playing for a year with very little actual spending - quietly accumulating gold via daily challenges, buying packs, playing Historic and Alchemy and Standard and generally getting to Platinum rank most seasons. I think the only thing I’ve spent gems/money on are season mastery passes (to win more gold) and the occasional cute pet.

Welcome back Bruce! 9 years, holy moly.

I find myself in the same situation as AdamB for NEO; really wanting to play but without time on the first weekend. This is irrationally dampening my enthusiasm for the set as a whole. But hopefully I’ll still be able to get in on some cheapish wins in limited later next week.

It’s freebie time! Today through May 5, the Midweek Magic free event is a phantom New Capenna draft.

Excellent! I’m in.

Whoa, WotC, you don’t have to try so hard. You had me at “free phantom”.


Is this a promo for doing the event? I still refuse constructed!
[edit] Okay, I read the reward note. They do guarantee at least a rare card.

Free gold today in the store’s deal section.

Nice, thanks. I was wondering where people got those. Those white ones are sharp.

Thanks, and they’re painless to redeem. I hope the bots can appreciate the amount of style I now bring to the table.

I think Kamigawa Neon Dynasty broke me.

I tried getting into New Capenna but I find myself pining for NEO. I think it’s partially the three color mechanic, but mostly I felt I had a great grasp of the cards and counters in Limited, and like all folks I fear change.

In any case, I went from rigorously completing the dailies and joining all the events to not having logged in in two weeks.

How is everyone finding New Capenna? And when does the next set come out? :)

For Limited? Meh. I did about a half-dozen drafts in the first two weeks, and that was plenty. The balance is pretty bad - white is crazy good (thanks, Angelic Overseer) and it’s hard to do a real 3-color deck. You can do two with splash pretty easy thanks to all the fixing, but that means you’re only playing 2-3 of those cool 3-color cards. Also WG, WU, and RB are so much better than the other 7 color pairs that good drafters are fighting over the good cards in those pairs, making it really hard to tell what’s open.

But I have liked the set for updating Commander decks and building Brawl (which is like Standard-set-only commander) decks. There’s a lot of cool things you can do with those three-color cards, and a good amount of synergy with other mechanics from recent sets (like magecraft with casualty). Even the pre-con Commander decks seem well constructed - haven’t gotten them myself yet but saw a buddy play the Riveteers one and it looked good. You can’t play Commander on Arena (and who would want to, without multiplayer) but Brawl is there, and that’s what I’ve mostly been using to do the daily quests.

Rhetorical, I know, but in case anyone is interested:

This one is weird 'cause it’s a Commander set but they’re releasing it on Arena. With draft, supposedly, although drafting it to play one-on-one doesn’t seem great. Anyway, it’s only a few weeks away, June 10.

It doesn’t look like a new Standard set shows up until September, with Dominaria United.

Who wants some Baldur’s Gate Alchemy packs on Arena? Hah, trick question, they don’t unlock until July! But you can redeem the pre-release codes now anyway…one per account. Here’s a few courtesy of the non-Arena-playing folks at my local pre-release this weekend.

Thank you. I grabbed the lower right code. Hopefully I can get the most out of my mastery pass before this comes out.

Nice, thanks! Took the top right one. The top left wouldn’t work, but it’s possible I may have mixed up some capital-Os for zeroes.

Wait…this next set is just for commander/Alchemy, right? Because has the next set releasing in September. That’s gonna be a loooong time to wait for new Standard cards.

I believe these are all hex codes, so all zeros, no Os.

Yep, Baldur’s Gate is a commander set, not in Standard. I’m not 100% sure on what they’re doing with Alchemy, if all the BG cards will be allowed or just the Alchemy-specific stuff.

FYI, store code for freebies to redeem before August 31: STICKTOGETHER