Make TV Scare Again: Friday favorites

TV can be quite a commitment. And we’ve thrown a lot of commitment at you so far this week. But let’s get down to brass tacks. What if we were to pick just one TV series that you should watch for Halloween? What are our top recommendations?

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Ahh, there’s Fortitude. That was, of course, the other small town full of secrets I was thinking of a couple days ago. I heartily recommend both these shows as well. I think Fortitude was more magical because it was so utterly unknown, unexpected, and unpredictable. But I absolutely never expected a network TV prequel show about Hannibal Lecter (a character increasingly run into the ground by the movies) to be as dark, beautiful and complex as it turned out to be, either.

Hannibal is one of those shows that I don’t really know how it got made (though I kind of do - believe it had investment from outside the U.S.) and I for sure don’t know how it got aired. That show has some horrific stuff going on and it’s often just as much about what it doesn’t show as what it does. I personally find it hard to watch though worthwhile.

Yeah, Gaumont, a French movie/TV production company basically put up the cash for it. That’s how the show managed to survive for its third and final season.

Hannibal all day, every day. Season two is a masterpiece with that season’s finale representing one of the best season finales ever put on television.

Hannibal might be the most pretentious show ever made. And most amazingly, it left me applauding at its pretention, each and every episode through. It’s glorious - and guts wrenching, oftentimes.

Fortitude is… well, can’t comment on that one without spoiling anything. Grumpf.

There’s a place for that!
