Marvel Puzzle Quest

That would be inaccurate. I’ve finished in the top 10% of every tournament I’ve entered and I’ve spent nothing on boosts. You definitely do not have to “pay to win”.

He was referring to the most powerful boost, the “+3 all AP” boost, which they changed to cost 100HP if you wanted to buy some because you were out. Before that change when it was 100 ISO instead there were a lot of people who used that boost for nearly every fight in the latter part of a tournament because speedy wins let them rocket up leaderboards. Now that tactic is still available but only to people who want to dump silly amount of money on Hero Points.

You would need to spend truly stupid money to make use of that realistically, though. Wouldn’t you?

Oh yes, I didn’t think it was a valid complaint. I was just explaining it. Most people pouting about pay-to-win don’t have very valid complaints. Pay to win is possible in this game, but it’s very very very expensive. I would think the best way is to just buy tons of ISO/HP, but even that doesn’t get a person the ultra rare characters. Still need to win 1 cover of each color for a character in order to be able to take them the rest of the way with ISO/HP purchased with $$$. I suppose in theory one could dump a TON of money on heroic tokens to get every character at 1/1/1 but I’d shudder at the thought of how much money that would take. I’m guessing hundreds of dollars wouldn’t do it.

I honestly think they should get rid of the 3-all boost. It’s like snorting heroin off of Cap’s shield. The game’s balance- such as it is- is in no way balanced for one side to start with 3 mana of every color. Maybe leave it in PvE… those are essentially PvP anyway, but it hurts less when you don’t see people kicking your ass.

That’s what I was saying when they made the change. If they were that concerned about it being unbalanced, they should have taken it out altogether.

It’s not a matter about paying being necessary to win, but making it so that you have a real advantage, rather than just paying for convenience like with covers or tokens

I blitzed through Hard Mode an hour after it opened last night and it wasn’t too bad. Now it’s impossible for my teams. Get in fast or don’t get in at all. This system is dumb.

Did the level scaling jump? The first hard mode event was pretty reasonable for me and I cleared almost every mission multiple times. It wasn’t until the very end that it turned into a 230/230/230 fest and that was for the highest point reward missions so it’s fairly reasonable to expect grinding the most rewarding missions in the hardest mode to jump up to nutso difficulty.

I think boosting has its time and place as a limited tactic. Much like shields, they let people who are desperate enough to win dump resources to get an edge over people who are just playing along normally. If they didn’t have something like that then events would be dominated by the same cliques of hardcore people every time and more casual people would never get those top-5 finishes. So I can see why the devs want that in the game, though I personally wouldn’t cry if if the biggest boosts or all boosts were just eliminated.

I know exactly what he is talking about but that still doesn’t make the game “pay to win”. I never used that tactic and have done quite well so far.

I think it’s the same as last time. But last time it scaled fast enough that I wasn’t able to even get to the Hard 5,000 ISO mission. This time I was fast enough to get it, but sadly it was only 2,500 now (and a mere 1,000 on normal). Seems like a better way to do it would be to only start the scaling after you’ve beaten a mission once. Then the noobs can see all the content and get a shot at the progression rewards (and not have to rush to be able to beat it once), but grinding out the placement rewards will be limited to the more hardcore (which I assume is the point of scaling).

Again, I never said that it was necessary. Back when I actually played, I didn’t even use boosts most of the time for PvE, and could get top whatever whenever I wanted

BTW, did they ever ‘fix’ the thing where people with 1* teams were dominating leaderboards? That was after I quit, but it is pretty silly if that happened.

How exactly do “protect tiles” work? I tried attacking some characters and sometimes I do only “1” damage so I assume someone sort of protection is working.

Look for tiles with a shield symbol on them. Each one reduces the damage from all your attacks by the listed amount. You have to destroy them to end that protection.

Although in some cases, like Bullseye, killing them through matching them directly only causes new ones to show up…

I wonder if every mission after the prologue being a competition with other players drives away casual players. I thought I was putting a fair amount of time into the simulation missions, but I’d always finish right around 50% in my bracket and get a couple recruit tokens. To finish higher, I’d have to spend way more time with the game than I’d want to. It was hard for me to believe that so many people were putting in so much time with the game.

You can definitely make progress just off of getting progression rewards (300 in PvP and whatever in PvE), but it’s slow.

How do you get to the last ISO mission in the Simulator? In the last round I hammered through right away and completed all of the missions in the normal simulator but the ISO one had a wall in front of it and I could never select it. I kept playing the other missions thinking I needed to accumulate more “points” but it never let me select that one. Am I missing something?

I don’t think that’s a mission. I think that’s the big pile of ISO you get for beating the last mission in that chain.


I was focused on that big pile of Iso and thought that was the mission to get the loot. I didn’t even notice getting it, I think I read it’s only 2500 now so i may have just missed it.

I created a “Qt3” alliance. According to the patch notes, alliances don’t actually do anything, but I created it anyway. Feel free to join. Apparently you can only have 5 members though. Lame!