Marvel Snap: Marvel's digital CCG

yeah but for a 6 cost card? If the sewers or something was featured, maybe, but what use is draining their hand unless they are running Devil Dinosaur or something? Its the last turn usually.

Id think a basic Hulk would be better as a turn 6 play.

Doc Ock is 5 cost, and you drain the cards they want to play on 6 to a location they don’t want them. It’s a tricky card to use well but it has several good uses.

Infinite Zolas

Ah ok, he used it turn 6, on a location I had already filled.

That they lost anyhow.

Interesting. I’ve certainly gone semi-Hulk during multiplayer gaming on occasion, but a free to play card battler? I mean, whatever triggers you triggers you. It just seems like such a low stakes game to get this bent over. People’s minds are odd.

I was wondering. Many cards and locations have powers based on direction (move left, etc). How does the opponent’s cards work since their orientation is always the opposite? If they were AI I could understand, but a Heimdel played by me is the opposite of a Heimdel played by my opponent? Yet the cards are the same…right?

Ah, but digital!

You are both seeing the same left and right because there is no physical table.

Basically you are always shown on the bottom, opponent on top, but in terms of a physical table think of it as both players superimposed in the same seat, basically.

Hmm, I think I’m getting it. Same side of table. That would work. Thanks. Been bugging me for a while.

Is there a method to whose cards are revealed first? Sometimes I can kill my opponents 1 in the first round with Elektra, sometimes it says No Target.

As for who it is, it is random on the first turn but can vary later based on control. Pay attention to the indicator before you play Elektra if you do not already have a target.

Good to know! The Steam version has no tips yet.

I believe it’s random on the first turn, then decided by whoever has the most overall power. Going first can be an advantage or a disadvantage, based on the cards.

I unknowingly climbed up into Pool 3 and two of the first three cards I got were Deadpool and Lockjaw. Such fun!

Lockjaw can be quite good. Deadpool is harder to get going imo.

I got Wong and have been having fun with his power.

Maybe a tangent but did anyone play the Vs System? (Both Marvel and DC CCG, sort of predating the MCU.)

I still have a bunch of cards from that playing with a group from work during the aughts. What a weird time.

I’ve still got an unopened one of these sitting around, but haven’t touched Vs since the original batch.

Going to be snappin today on twitch. Trying a Patriot deck that was recommended to me. Normally I don’t really dig the all-in, eggs-in-one-basket type decks but this is having a pretty good rate of cubes so far. In the 50’s, hoping beyond hope to hit 100 this season. Me Stream

edit: amazing how often a 17 power Wasp can win ;)

Sample game with the deck is the guide I got the deck from

Seven cards drawn on 2, not a single one below 3 energy. 1 hit by ice 7 hit by scorpion. F that

First variant I’ve liked enough to buy (with earned gold, not real money)