Marvel Snap: Marvel's digital CCG

I was on a real slide. 51 down to 38. I thought maybe I was getting brain damage. Swapped to a different deck after trying a few. Clawing back.

I would also have bought that.

Thus far I’ve seen zero variants in the shop I’m interested in. There was one nice Gamora one, but I don’t play that card, so I ignored that. Outside of that it has all been ugly pixel variants of cards I don’t feature.

Wow you guys are much more selective than I am! I need fewer variants that I want.

I’ve seen a couple for other cards I almost grabbed but they were cards I didn’t use much. I haven’t been using Nightcrawler that much either lately, but I just like him as a character.

Like I don’t use Iron Fist in any of my decks, but I like the character a lot. None of his variants in the game appeal to me, but if they added a David Aja variant I’d snap that up right away.

I see what you did there.

I use Iron Fist in two of my decks, but never see a variant for him. Maybe the store deliberately shows you stuff you won’t use so that you’ll pay for a reroll.

Is there a reroll for the random daily cosmetic upgrades?? I didn’t see anything.

Another tin foil hat conspiracy theory ruined by facts!

Apparently you can’t reroll cosmetics.

I’ve been dying to get Arnim Zola but this win against him cracked me up.

Do the variants in the store always cost the same amount, or is that random too? Meaning could the same variant be 700 now and 1200 later, for example?

Edit: Reddit says the price per specific variant is constant.

I’m tempted by this one. Right in the gray area of not sure I like the character or use the card enough, but tempting.

Well got my first holographic Infinity Split, Jessica Jones.

One of those all around good cards that I play almost every time she is in hand.

I just looked at the unlock chain and realized: there are way more cards than I can unlock. Like I have maybe another 6-8 cards to unlock, but there are dozens I haven’t even seen.

Are there some cards you just don’t unlock? Just hit 400 collection level.

Vibranium event in news tab

FYI the bonus for using specific characters is one off. Meaning you don’t get the bonus for using multiple, it is strictly 0 or 1+.

So no need run all the Walanda characters if you don’t want.

That said I did make a Walanda deck that is working.

Admittedly it is just mean. Scorpion, Killmonger, Hobgoblin, Shang Chi, Spider-woman along with characters that buff my cards. So far its been successful. But man I doubt I would want to play against it.

So for the current event I created this deck. It is very effective and I just pulled off probably what was easily one of the more screw you wins. Sunspot Infinaut deck with Kazar opponent. Turn 5 Killmonger killed 3 cloned sunspots plus another 3 buffed cards, followed by spiking infinaut next.

And Jubilee pulled Hobgoblin, lol.

Oh I also double scorpioned and Ironhearted with cloning vats as well.

Its moved me off Apocalypse deck for now, partly because its a fun deck that really does well winning low power games (because I kill everything)

Honestly Iceman exists simply to maximize opponent deck fuckery

Nakia is definitely the weak card. I tried it for the event, but really there are other better cards. As often as not she is not usable since she would wind up buffing Hobgoblin or something. Replacing her with another 5 or 6 (for Jubilee) is probably straight up better.

My news tab is empty. Is the event just for people who bought the current battlepass?

I just got hit with a Leader on against my Infinaut. A card that already has 4 power seems way overpowered when it duplicates your own played cards. Shit.

OMG! I can’t have Killmonger and Groot in my deck at the same time. I just nuked myself be playing ‘Groot’ only for it to be Killmonger who took out all my 1s and lost me the game! They look far too similar to my old eyes when I’m glancing at my deck on my phone! Done this more than a few times now, lol.

its everyone, I can access no pass

Are you on PC? I seem to remember hearing it only shows up on phones.

pc client has no news in tab. have to access event from mobile

Leader is the only card I truly feel is broken.

Glad it’s not just me. I’ve only seen it once, but it sure seemed insane. By the end of the game there is probably only 1 location up for grabs often enough that the Leader is a default Win. I’m sure there are some ways to play against it, but nothing comes to mind other than kind of lucking out. Oh well. I just tinkered with my deck and now have to learn/remember what I have again. Still running a Infinaut/Sunspot deck and until today have cruised thru win after win.