Marvel's Ant-Man is no longer an Edgar Wright joint

I think it’s the music that’s wrong, or at least part of the problem. Rudd’s “Huh?” feels like there should be a shift in tone to something a little more comedic at that point, but instead the score just keeps swelling into something that feels epic, but we’re just seeing more jumbled shots of a guy in a suit and oh no it’s the cops!

The Guardians of the Galaxy trailer was a fantastic way to get people on board with a totally crazy story about characters they’ve never seen. I’m not saying Ant-Man specifically needed some catchy classic rock and a police line-up where the characters are literally introduced, but it needed some way to accomplish the same thing, and it did not.

Yeah, good call on the Guardians trailer. That first teaser left me wanting for more and I immediately read up on the Guardians. In contrast, the Ant-Man teaser did nothing for me.

To be fair, that GoG Teaser was the trailer elevated to an artform. Putting out anything half as good (in innumerable ways) would have been a miracle.

Yeah the trailer seems a little, I don’t know, sedate? Seems like the movie kind of recognizes the inherent ridiculousness of the concept it doesn’t really seem to play it up much. Oh well, I’ll be there in line next summer.

What makes Ant-Man more ridiculous than Batman or any other superhero movie?

I guess maybe the shrinking. Yeah, I think it’s probably the shrinking.

Let’s not rule out the ants.

Agreed that the tone of the trailer was way too serious. 90% of it was generic superhero bullshit and the other 10% seemed like overtly forced dissonance to the generic tone instead of any sort of actual differentiation.

I saw some early boards for this a while back… my thoughts were “oh, it’s a wacky slapstick action thing for 5-7 year olds? huh.” And now I’m like, “it’s for overly serious 5-7 year old boys whose grandparents just died, thinks the best toys are Texas Instruments, and is too young to have heard the responsibility speech in Spiderman, because otherwise this whole thing would grate on him too much… huh?”

As I’ve said, the movie will live or die on its ability to move forward the special fx for “shrunken people” movies. If it wows us with some modern whizz graphics super-realism in that area, then all will be well, that will be the wow-factor the movie will need to get over what looks like a fairly mawkish plot.

I thought the pitted surface of the bath that he shrank down to was a promising-looking touch, and the iconic him flying on an ant looked pretty good too.

As someone with no grounding in the comic background of Ant Man at all, I have to say that teaser did nothing for me. What, exactly, is the super power involved in being able to shrink down to the size of an Ant? Is he like a super spy sneaking around unnoticed or something? Aside from sneaking around while tiny, I can basically see no point to that ability at all.

It did nothing for me, either. Easily the dullest and least engaging trailer Marvel’s produced to date.

He can get access to highly guarded areas, un-shrink from out of nowhere, and punch you in the face.

I can’t remember, does Ant Man share the same power with The Atom in that when he’s small, he still has the same mass and thus strength as his fully grown form?

No. He keeps his human strength, but his mass is temporarily put into some other dimension until he enlarges. Yeah… comics.

I almost wish that Hank Pym was played by Rick Moranis.

He just shrinks and keeps his normal human strength? He’s tiny but can lift whatever I can lift?

Yeah. That’s pretty lame.

Ant-Man: his greatest enemy is a normal human foot.

Considering the hygiene of some folks, it’s not just Ant Man…I mean…not SOLELY.


…god, i’m so sorry.


…just sorry.

Doesn’t Ant-man have a lot of potential for (corporate or international) espionage drama? More Iron-man than Thor. But I just don’t know what to expect from the trailer.

And Michael Douglas in a superhero film? Wow, just wow. Next people will tell me Glenn Close and Robert Redford are in super-hero films. Oh wait… Meryl Streep, get ready.